Perks of Being a Malik

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I remember walking through the cold dark streets of London that night. Nothing holding me back on what I was about to do. Words flying through my mind about what had just previously happened only just a few short hours ago. I grimmance at the thought of what had happened.


"You're worthless and you don't even belong living on this planet anymore!" I remember him slapping me across the face leaving my cheek a bright red.

"Get out of my sight before anything worse happens. You're just lucky I was easy on you tonight, it could've been worse." I whimpered crawling away into the next room closing the door behind me.

Glancing at my self in the mirror a pink handprint started to appear across my left cheek. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to leave. I quickly grabbed all the clothes I could shoving into one of my many random bags before walking over to the window. I hear a soft whimper, I look back and see my puppy Brit looking up at me with sad eyes. I grab Brit running back over to the window and crawling out onto the streets of Boston not knowing what to do.

*end of flashback*

I finally reach the place I was looking for. Looking up at the building in front of me I realized how stupid this was of me to do. There's no turning back now. I push open the glass door clinging onto the dog leash that Brit was attached to walking over to the elevator with my head held low. Getting in I press the number 13 and slowly the elevator starts to jerk up. The doors opening with a 'bing'. I walk down the halls looking for the number 1357 hoping that all my research hasn't gone to waist.

I walked down the hall for maybe about another five minutes before I found what I was looking for. I hold up my hand getting ready to knock on the door but flinch back. What if he doesn't remember me? What if's kept running through my mind before I finally pulled up enough courage. I knock on the flat's door with three quick flicks of a wrist, looking behind my back to make sure no one was following me. I hear foot steps padding over to the door getting a bit nervous to what was to occur next. I door flew open and the boy's eyes grew wide with realization. His dark brown chocolate eyes resembling mine, his hair a mess on top of his head. His mouth opened to say something but nothing came out.

"Hey," I whispered to scared to look up at him.

"S-Sam? What the hell are you doing here?"

A/N: this is legit the first time I've written a continuous story so I'm sorry if its crap but just bare with me at the moment. I'll be updating whenever I have time, because of school and other things I do it might only be 2-3 times a week depending on the day:) if you're lucky you could get a double:P

Xx Symmie

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