You Remember?

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A/N: I'm so excited to finally be writing this story! It's been going through my mind for a while now, I've never really just had time to actually sit down and write it all up. Hope everyone enjoys :)

Xx Symmie

Sam's POV:

"S-Sam? What the hell are you doing here?" He said looking at me with wide eyes. I took in his appearance, for not having to have seen him for so long he hadn't changed much except for the occasional tattoo here and there. Right. I haven;t seen him for so long, but I mean that wasn't my fault. I feel tears start to form on the brim of my eyes, I look up at him my identical eyes pouring into his.

"Z-Zayn," I hiccuped, "I need you." I said letting a tear slip from my eye.

"Sam, don't cry. It's been so long," He said stepping outside the door engulfing me in a hug, "Why? You knew I love you, but just why?" I stayed silent for a couple of minutes, thoughts flying through my mind not knowing what to say. Then finally I could only think of one thing.

"Can I  come in? Just to, uh, explain myself a bit." I said shyly pushing a piece of my long dark brown bangs behind my ears. I look down at Brit, her brown little stub of a tail wagging like crazy.

"I, uh, yeah? Yeah. Come one in." Zayn said with a bit of a confused face. He backed away from the door way letting me come in. I walked through the doorway following Zayn close behind. He led me to, what I'm guessing is his living room. The first thing I noticed was the large window across from me that led out onto a balcony. I walked straight over to the window letting my gave drift over the wondrous city. The view of London from his window was amazing. I turned around to see him watching me with a smirk on his face. I bit my lip noticing that he was shirtless and only in pajama pants. Well then again it was 1:30 in the morning. I looked back up at him his gaze drifting to where I was looking. He then started to chuckle to himself, noticing that I had just realized that he was in the state he was.

"I'll go get a shirt on, um you can sit on the couch over there," he said pointing to a black leather sofa on the wall nearest me, "But don't let the dog up there, I kinda don't want dog hairs all over the place just yet. I'll be right back." he said before disappearing down a long hallway. I decided to put Brit on the balcony, figuring he didn't want dog hair all over his house. It was a pretty nice night. The stars shining bright, not a cloud in the sky. And for once and wasn't cold but a bit on the warm side. I walked back into the living room and sat down on the couch observing my surroundings. I could hear muffled voices coming from down the hall. Zayn soon pranced back into the room with a skinny girl with purple hair right behind him. I quickly got up from the couch checking my appearance over.

"Hey Sam. This is my girlfriend Perrie. Perrie this is my, uh, half-sister Sam." he said. Perrie walked forward looking over my appearence. She stuck out her hand and I looked up at her with wide eyes my mouth slightly open. I turn to Zayn with shock written over my face.

"Zayn Malik. You're dating Perrie Edwards from Little Mix?!" I said, happiness filling my eyes.

"Yeah, I thought you knew?"

"NO! Oh my gosh, it's so nice to meet you!" I said grabbing her in for a hug, "Gosh, that was a bit too forward there, sorry." I said biting my lip. On of my habits I do when I gt nervous or embarrassed. Perrie laughed before pulling me in for another hug.

"It's great to meet you! Zayn never told me about you before. Who knew he had a fourth-ish? Sister! What a surprise! And can a sense a bit of an American accent there?" She said pulling back.

"Yeah, I lived there for quite a while." I said giving her a half smile.

"Well, I'm going to leave you two to talk things out, I'll be in our room Zayn. See you in a bit." She said giving Zayn a peck  on the cheek before turning around to wave goodbye to me before walking down the hall. I look over to Zayn, him having a look on his face looking like he's trying to figure something out.

"I guess I have a bit of explaining to do." I said scratching the back of my neck.

"Yeah, just a bit." he said pursing his lips into a straight line.

"Okay," I started letting out a puff of air, "I, sort of ran away. Things were not going so well back home, I mean with me stuck with dad and everything. He had a girlfriend that treated me like shit and so did he. I was abused almost every night. I just didn't know what to do with myself anymore. Would I stay or would I run away. And I guess last night when he hit me that was the last straw. I couldn't take it anymore so I took Brit with me in the middle of the night and flew out here, knowing that really you were th only family I had left that would actually care for me. I know this is really sudden and all for you, but I didn't know where else to go. I guess I was sorta wondering if I would be able to stay here until I could get a job and earn a steady amount of money before buying myself a flat here." I finish looking into his eyes with hope. He looked crushed. Something I've never been able to witness before.

"Oh my god, Sam I'm so sorry. Of course you can stay here. you can stay in the guest room, considering nobody ever stays here so it can be all yours... and erm, Brit's?" I moved over to him on the couch and engulfed him into another hug. One thing he would probably have to get used to me doing. I pulled away, a smile going from ear to ear on his face, as well as mine. 

"Think of all the things we can be able to do now considering mom and dad aren't in our way to try and break us apart again."

"I know! I can't wait for you to meet the boys. They're going to be so excited! I mean having another sexy looking Malik, I mean who wouldn't!" he said excitement filling his eyes.

"Yeah, about that," I started, "Um, would you mind not really telling anyone at all. I mean it's okay if Perrie knows because I'm obviously going to need some girl time, but I don't think I'm ready for many others to know about me. So you know, our relationship here can kinda be a secret between me and you. But just for now! I just don;t think I'm ready to introduce myself to others as you sister, I mean it's been so long." I looked up at him, his facial expression had gone from excitement to looking crushed. I felt terrible.

"You know, maybe it's better this way, not having many people know about us. Well, why don't you get yourself situated in the guest room, and you can bring Brit too. I'm knackered, I don't know about you but I think a good nights rest would do us all good." He said getting up and stretching from the couch. I went over to the glass door and brought Brit in and followed Zayn down the long hallway where he had disappeared into before. He had me follow him to a room at the end of the room. Seeing that it was right next to his. The room was black and white themed, a bit like what I had back at my old home. Someplace where I hope never to see again.

"Well goodnight love." He said giving me a peck on the cheek.

"Goodnight." I said going over to the bed and crawling into the warm blankets. I could feel my eyes slowly drooping. I soon fell into sleep with Brit right beside me curled up in my arms. I knew I was in safe hands now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2013 ⏰

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