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Hi everyone, this is something very serious and disgusting that has happened and needs to be discussed.

I have have several people message me asking for Tommy x dream or tubbo x fucking Schlatt. Not only has it been that, but they have brought my own friends into ships they want and my friends aren't and will never be comfortable with ships.

Atleast 5-6 people have asked for Crumb x Ranboo, and I'm more than disappointed in the society we live in. I have lost motivation and effort into my storys due to the lack of good and safe ships.

If you ship Tommy x anyone Ranboo x anyone Tubbo x anyone or ect, get the fuck out. Because you aren't welcome, if I need to state this one more time I will completely stop this story and bring it back some other time.

Onto the other issue, I spend many hours onto this book, figuring out the beginning, middle, and end of the story. That is much time taken away from school, I'm failing the most important subject to pass my grade and if I don't take a break from this story I will fail completely.

I know I haven't updated in quite a bit but I needed to state both issues and they both need to be fixed, especially the first issue.

I love you all so much and remember that.<3

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