Chapter 13: The Roomates

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Soon you arrived at Denkis apartment as was almost instantly greeted with lying...and all to familiar yelling. Both of you made your way to the living room to see Sero, Kiri, dumbass and some random purple hair dude who appeared to have never hear of sleep. Sero and Baku were playing some random racing game on the couch while Kiri cheered them and the purple haired dude read a book in a chair away from them while drinking tea.

Denki and you almost had sneaked in before you heard Sero yell from the living room.
"Denki! And bassist...."
He trailed off before a devilish smirk spread across his lip. Everyone was looking at you two now.

,"Oh... so this is the person you all have been talking about."
The purple haired guy spoke in a monotone voice while peering over his book at you. This was probally the most embarrassing and brought a bit of warmth to your face.

"Yeah this is them... That's Shinso one of my THREE Roommates."
Denki put emphasis on three as he glared at Bakugo who glared back at him. He was slowly shuffling away,  dragging you with him, out of the entrance to the living room entrance.

"Bakugo... buddy let's play a round huh?"
Kiri nudged Bakugo and went to snatch the controller from Sero. He was the only wingman here, the rest were shut or would rather you not exist.

With everyone distracted again Denki quickly lead you to his room to hide from them. When the door closed you both let out a small sigh before looking at each other and laughing a bit.

You looked around Denkis bedroom as you set down your bass by the door gently. His room was like a pre-teen boys, it had colorful bedsheets, a few action figures on his desk and to top it off, rgb lights and posters. The posters carried from anime posters like Pokémon to TV show charters like stormi from x-men or the Flash from.... the Flash.

"Sorry about that. I thought they'd be at bakugos cause they can be louder there."
Denki quickly walked around his room desperately hiding all evidence of his 13 y/o boy self.

You laughed a bit to yourself at his room and actions as you went to sit on his bed.
"Guess you were wrong... how do you know shinso?"
The werid quiet roomate in an apartment of loud bozos intrigued you.

As soon as Denki was done scrambling around his room cleaning he went to lock his door before sitting down next to you.
"Highschool. He transferred classes into ours midyear and I took a fancy to him. He's really nice but was... challenged by people. You can maybe ask about it sometime!"

You nodded as you leaned in closer to him, your lips a few inches apart from his before he pulled away blushing.
"I'm sorry it's just  bit akward with them right out there now..."

You tightly pressed your lips togther as you pulled back and nodded.
"Understood.... what now though? We could do anything."

He though for a moment before he went to his school bag and riffled through it for a moment before epilling out his laptop.
"I'll go on a snack run. You choose something on Netflix then... I'll see what we have for diner."
He smiled as he set down his laptop and quickly logged on before turning it to you.

You hesitantly took it and started to scroll through Netflix as he disappeared into the void. Many thoughts were rushing through your head, was this Netflix and chill moment? But je had jsut rejected you. Was this... just a date then? Hadn't you made it ovious you weren't looking for that. But you did like him.

Eventually you picked a completly normal and not sexual movie (/s). It wasn't just porn or majority sex.. it would definetly get things rolling. There were a few.. steamy scences that hit just right if you did your job.

You set up the laptop on the bed on got yourself comfy in wait for him, when you reliezed how long it had been sense he had been away. A few seconds later you gave up and went to check to see where he was.

The boys were all in the living room laughing and goofing around. As soon as you peaked your head in the laughter almost instantly calmed down as they all looked at you.

"Ah! Sorry we were playing a video game... and I forgot."
Denki quickly stood up from the floor where he resided.

You quickly shoock your head with a smile.
"No its fine. Continue. What are you playing."
Denki slolwy sat back down on the floor as you went to join them.

All of you played video games for hours and eventually got take out. You were ebonding with the roommate (and only the roommates.) You and Bakugo would never get along.

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