CHAPTER FIVE: A True Champion is Made Not Born

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One night while I was patrolling around the city using my newly modified armored truck, i received a radio call regarding a fight in Mirror Park between 2 (two) new people in the city and 5 gang members from a crew named SADX. I then responded to the radio call right away confirming that I am on the way. As i drive closer to Mirror Park i heard explosions and pedestrians are running away from the park panicking. So i parked my truck on someone's driveway and pulled out one of my drones to locate the enemy's location.

Upon flying my drone around Mirror Park looking to spot the enemies location, I noticed 3 of them on the roof of someone's house shooting on the 2 (two) new people in the city as the other 2 (two) gang members are in a futuristic tank which seemed to be equipped with a rail gun and a remote controlled machine gun.

I came closer to the house where the 3 (three) of the gang members are on and throw a C4 on the roof taking down 1 (one) of the 3 (three) gang members however, the other 2 (two) jumped off the roof, knowing where one of them is at, i jumped off the car on the drive way and cautiously made my way to the backyard of the house they were just on.

As soon as I came to the backyard one of the gang members caught me by surprise and tried stabbing me with a pocket knife, luckily i was able to dodge the attack. We then both pulled out both of our guns and aimed at each other. Then I said,

'Why don't we do this man to man, no guns'

He then dropped his gun on the ground, i dropped my gun on the ground aswell, he tried hitting me on the face, however, i dodged his punched and hit him on the nuts with my knee. He backs up and pulls out his knife.

As we stare at each other waiting for someone to attack first, he threw his knife at me, I then picked up the cover of the trash can right beside me and covered my face. The knife hit the cover of the trash can and sticked on it.

I looked him on the eyes and said,

'Never bring a knife to a fist fight'

I threw the cover of the trash can towards him like a frisbee hitting him on the face and instantly knocks him out. I approached him and look at him knocked out,

'Never mess with The Ghost'

Then i pulled out my pistol and shot at him, his blood splattered on my shirt.

Without me noticing, his friend is already standing right behind me aiming his gun at me, and he said

'It's game over man'

After he said that, i then turned around as fast as i could pushing his gun away from me and kicked him on the balls which made him get on his knees. He tried pulling his knife out of his back pocket and stabbed me, however, before he could stab me I caught his arm on the way and put him on an armbar making him let go of the knife he tried stabbing me with. Upon breaking his arm i said,

'It's not game over for me man, i'm just getting started. But it is for you'

While still having him on an armbar, i pulled my combat knife out of my vest and stabbed him multiple times on the face.

I got up after stabbing him, leaving my knife in his face. I then looked down on him and said,

'Say less words, do more actions'

I then walked out of the backyard and started making my way to the gang members on a tank. As i walk out, 2 (two) random people in the city texted me telling me they are coming to help, i then responded to them acknowledging their text and giving them the location of the enemies.

As soon as I came out on the driveway, the 2 (two) gang members on a tank started to fire directly at me, luckily they only managed to hit the car infront of me, which only knock me down due to the impact. And as i try to get up, i see a flying car equipped with missiles coming towards the futuristic tank, the gang members in the tank then started firing their machine gun on the flying car however, it doesn't seem like they damaged it. The flying car then shot a missile at the tank which got it shaking, then they shot another missile which put the tank on fire. I then saw the 2 (two) gang members getting out of the tank but before they could go any further the person on the flying car then shot another missile at them which eliminated both gang members and blew up the tank destroying it completely.

The Diary of a King: A Novel Based on True Events by Zayne PaulWhere stories live. Discover now