Pretty in our Crowns

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"Oh, Your Highness, should I bow in thy renowned presence?" 

Simon grinned at Crown Prince Wilhelm, wearing his fancy, bejewelled and outrageously lustrous crown for the first time. It was probably worth a small village.

"Don't," Wilhelm said from his bed, a hand covering his eyes. The two had sneaked off to his room when they got the chance. Simon had spent a good amount of time staring at it, leaning against the doorframe, then rushed to find the posters in the bottom drawer of his nightstand.

Only three, like expected: Fearless, Speak Now and Red. Wille's 'embarrassing' Taylor Swift phase; another secret whispered to each other in the dark of the night that they never talked about when others were around, because it was just theirs.

No words could describe the absolute joy he took in poking the other boy's ribs, who was pink in the face and weakly defending the appeal of Fearless from a "naive pre-teen's" point of view, until Simon graciously mentioned that his most listened song on Spotify the previous year was 'seven'. ("I knew you were a secret Taylor Swift fan!", "Really?")

As Wilhelm made to remove the thing on his head, Simon grabbed his wrist. "Hey, I have a crown too, you know."

"Show." He peeked through his fingers as Simon dug through his bag to find the accessory that Sara and Felice had made for him yesterday.

Wilhelm stared at the flower crown in his hands of varying hues of purple and pink. The smile spread across his face, and within seconds the headpiece was snatched from his hands so Simon could be crowned as Prince of all Flora. They smiled crookedly at each other, eyes shining and hearts dancing.

Wilhelm grabbed his hand to stand in front of the full-length mirror past the nightstand. The slightly forlorn look with his creased forehead and squinted eyes in the reflection subsided as Simon stood on his toes to rest his chin on the prince's shoulder, the bridge of his nose pinched. "You should have worn the purple hoodie. It'd look great with this."

"Sara said I wear it too much." He said as Wilhelm tugged on his curls and fiddled with the flower crown on his head absent-mindedly, making it tilt to one side and brush the top of his left ear.

"But you look cute in it."

"Yeah?" They shared half-grins before Simon suddenly stepped away. His hand reached out to Wilhelm's head. "Uh, would your mother be... off with my head. If I touch this?"

"She's mad enough that you're touching me—but, like, go ahead. It's not like we can make her any more annoyed."

"I'm sure we could, but," Simon gently replaced the prestigious royal crown onto the nightstand next to a lamp, a very long novel and two ball-point pens, while switching the flower crown from his own head to Wilhelm's, "here."

Then Simon was again crowned by the Crown Prince, except this time he seemed to be in a generous mood. "Are you sure you want to be giving away the title of Crowned Prince to just anyone? This your way of making the queen even more annoyed?"

"You're not anyone, but yes I'm sure Mom would rather I give it to literally anyone else."

"Sweet of you."

They watched themselves in the mirror again, Simon wearing a royal crown and smiling down sideways at Wille with his nose buried in his neck. The flowers tickled his jaw.

When they met each other's eyes, Simon whispered, "You look pretty with my crown." 


A/N: Just cross-posted from AO3 'cause I finally felt like making a cover, hi.

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