"Sorrow unites us just like the horns of stags which have become locked together," Star said weakly. "Try as we might, there is no breaking free. It eventually drags us to our knees where we die in pairs." Star looked out the window of the living room and saw the rain coming down hard. Fat drops hurled themselves upon the glass violently. Star wondered if this was the night Lenny would not return. There was a darkness in her peripheral vision and an unsteady beat in her heart. She knew her time was drawing to an end. Were she to die tonight, Star hoped it would not be alone.
-Savage/chapter 42
The Human Stain ~a collection of quotes and snippets~
Short StoryThe Human Stain is a book dedicated to quotes and snippets from my stories. The title is taken from my story Salvatoria (an Ambassador's choice, ONC shortlister, winner of The Black Cat Award's contest, and winner of Oh, What a Chapter! contest). Sa...