Chapter 1: Kitten meets Bunny

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Park Jimin POV:

I woke up at 7:30 this morning. Yesss! I get to go to school today. School is so much fun, I love learning about Shakespeare, Algebra and, my fave, Bubbly potions.

I finished my breakfast and headed towards school where I saw my best friend waiting at the gate.

Kim Taehyung: Chimchim!

Park Jimin: Taetae!(we hugged)

"Hey guys" a voice behind me said.

Tae: Hey babe *kiss*

Min Yoongi: *kiss back* How are you today?

Chim: I'm good, what about you two?

Tae: I couldn't be better! So you know that show I auditioned for during summer?

Yoongs: Yeah what about it?

Tae: Well I got a part in it!!!

Yoongs: Wow! I'm so proud of you baby! *kisses tae*

Chim: Can you guys get a room? Single people are here.

Tae: And by single people you mean you, right?

Chim: Yeah. So what if I'm the only single person at school, huh?

Yoongs: Nothing, unless you wanna die alone.

*bell rings*

Tae: Time for first class, laters!

Chim: Bye Taetae!

Yoongs: Bye babe!

*bell rings again*

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