Chapter 2:Bunny meets Kitten

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Jeon Jungkook POV:

Miss Jennie: Class, today we have a new student joining us. His name is Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook, why don't you introduce yourself?

Jungkook: H-hi I-i'm Jungkook, call me Kookie. I am from Busan, South Korea and I just recently moved here with my parents, *blah blah blah*

Bully1: Why are your hands sweating so much?

Bully2: Yeah and why do you look like you are about to pass out?

Kookie: I-I....

?:Hey, leave him alone!

Bully1: Why should we?

?: Because I will get my father on you!

Miss Jennie: Class calm down and give Jungkook a break, he has just came in and you guys are already fighting! ... Jungkook *I crouch down to his level* would you like to have a seat?

Kookie: O-okay m-miss.

Miss Jennie: Okay, you can sit next to Taehyung.

Tae: *raises hand* Over here!

?: Miss here is my homework assignment.

Miss Jennie: Ok, bring it over to my desk. *? gets up*

*Bully2 trips over Jungkook* *? catches Kookie as their lips attach*

?: Sorry.

Kookie: It's ok, by the way I am Jungkook but you can call me Kookie.

?: Nice to meet you, I am Jimin but you can call me Chimmy! *I smile to silence the awkwardness*

Kookie: Nice to meet you Chimmy! 

*I take my seat as the lesson begins*

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