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"Danny, don't let me go." Moomm! Don't worry, I can help you mom. "No! Run, forget this ever happened, I love you...

*gasp* Aahh. I woke up, the dream felt so real. My mom, she died? I looked around in what seemed like a cave, but a beautifully constructed cave. One that looked heaven bound.

Hello? Is anybody there? Uh, damn what's his name? Angel guy? You there? *THUD*! Jesus Christ you scared the shit out of me. "Do not use the Lord's name in vain!" Okay okay, chill.

"And watch your mouth boy." I'm sixteen, I can say whatever I want. "Not if you want to stay here with me." Who said I wanted to stay here with you? " Do you want to live?" Yes of course I want to..."Then you watch your mouth." He cut me off. What's your name? "It's Gabriel." Gabriel, as in THE Gabriel? "No, I wish. I'm not even close." Why did you save me? "It wasn't for you." It wasn't for me? Who else would you save ME for? "It's complicated kid." What do you mean by complicated? It's a simple question.
I could tell he was getting annoyed, he didn't answer.
So..I continued. Are you really an angel? "Yes, I am. What did you think I was, a Pegasus, an x man character?" "Noo way". I lied. "You know it's not good to lie." Gabriel explained. If you knew the answer then why'd you ask? "Amusement.
So what am I Gabriel?
"Excuse me?"
What am I? I jump far, I get extremely heated when I'm mad, I can break bullet proof glass. Am I a super hero or something? "Ha, you know nothing. Do you?" Well if I knew then would I ask? "You're a nephilim."
A nephi who??
"A nephilim. Half fallen angel, half human."
Fallen Angel? You mean half demon? "Oh so you do know a little bit about the Bible?" I never really read it, but I guess.
I'm guessing my dad was a demon right? He must have been. "Actually, it was your mom." Fuck you.
"Calm down child, she was different. She was born a nephilim like you, but the blood wasn't inherited, it was physically put into her. It wasn't her fault."  Physically put into her?!? Huh?
"Why do you want to know?" Why the hell do you think? I started getting red hot, like before.
"You really need to learn to control your temper boy."
Don't tell me to....okay. So what's next? We go fight some crime? Kill some " You need to settle down." He cut me off.
You couldn't even handle that half breed police officer, you're a rookie. You need to train."
If I wanted to train I would've joined the military. "No you wouldn't have, you're 16."
Yeah but you get the point.
Are we just going to ignore the fact that I have school and my only caretaker was killed yesterday??
" You talk too much, but you don't walk enough. He's not dead. And since when do you care about school? We start training tomorrow, until then I'll show you around, and I'll answer any question you have." Great, exercise. Who doesn't love burning and sweating?

Angels Of War: Spirit Of PeaceWhere stories live. Discover now