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"Merry Christmas!" You exclaim as the front door opens, and you walk into the house, you would call home just as much as your own house.

"First in 20 days." Tom says and embrases you in a tight hug.

"Basicly Christmas." You say into your best friend's shoulder making him chuckle while shaking his head.

"I've never met someone more obsessed with christmas than you." He tells you as you pull away.

You met Tom when you were 10, your family had just moved to London, and you had started in Tom's class. The two of your got along so easily, and ever since then you have been best friends.

"What can I say? Christmas is the best time to spend with family." You take off your shoes and place them against the wall, as well as hanging your warm coat on the coat rack.

"Yet you spend every Christmas with me." You and Tom had gotten to know each other very well over the years, spending ever second together growing up.

Not only were you and Tom best friends, but your mothers had become quite close too. So when you were 15, Tom's mum had invited your family to spend Christmas together. It went so well, that it became tradition for your family to spends the Christmas holidays with the Hollands.

It was also perfect thatyour little brother, Lukas, was the same age as Sam and Harry, so through the years, they became good friends too.

"You are family, dumbass." You tell him while you bith enter the living room.

"And so are you." The sweet voice of Tom's mother sounds behind you. And as you turn around you give her a big hug.

"Nikki, hey!" You pull apart, and you give the room a glanze before talking. "The decorations look good!"

"Thank you." Nikki smiles softly at you. "Took me a long time, since the boys didn't want to give a hand." She says eyeing Tom, and raises an eyebrow.

"I was busy!" Tom said trying to defend himself.

"Busy doing what?" You ask with a cheeky smirk on your lips, that Tom knows only can mean one thing. You are gonna be mean and joke with him. "Busy picking up girls? Because you do that all the time." You say sarcasticy, well knowing that Tom hasn't dated anyone for a very long time.

"For you information, I was on a date 3 months ago, actually." He says sounding proud of himself.

"Three months?!" You exclaim as you begin laughing.

"Shut up, like hell you get guys." Tom says getting back at you.

"Fuck you!"

"You started!"

"And I'm going to end it too." You tell him with a harsh but joking look.

"You two go watch a movie before Christmas is ruined." Nikki oders, whil you stay silent, your heads down, and you both mumble a low "sorry", and head towards the living room.

"I'm sure you get guys, I'm sorry." Tom says as you sit down on the couch.

"It's fine, but you're right, neither of us is doing great with dating at the moment." You say as Tom is scrolling trough Netflix, trying to find a Christmas movie for the two of you to watch.

"I'm sure you're doing better than me." Tom says as he finds The Grinch and clicks play.

"Not really." You sigh and cuddle into his side, trying to get comfortable for the movie.

A little over half way through the movie, you look up at Tom, seeing him watching the movie with concentration.

"I'm gonna miss this." You speak up, and Tom looks down at you.

"Miss what?"

"Spending Christmas together." Tom looks around the room confused, trying to understand what you are saying. But he doesn't get it, so he looks back at you, and asks for an explanation. "Since I'm leaving."

"What do you mean 'leaving'?" Tom asks even more confused than before.

"My family is moving to America." You explain and Tom's eyebrows shot up to his forhead. You explain to him, how your father have gotten a really great job offer, that he can't reject, and that the only downside is that, he have to move to the US.

"You are not actually gonna leave, are you?" Tom asks after you finish explaining the situation.

You look down at your hands before answering. "Yeah," your voice is low, as if it would all be good if Tom didn't hear you. "I'm sorry." You tell him, looking into his eyes.

"When is it?"

"The 27th"

"This month?" Tom asks with a sadness in his voice. Instead of speaking you simply just nodd your head in conformation. The two of you both looking down at your hands.

"That is in less than a month from now?!" Tom exclaims his voice slightly trembling from the sudden information.

"I'm sorry, I thought you already knew."

"Can't you just stay?" His voice is low and soft, just like his eyes. You feel so bad that he first found out now, since you had know for a whole month. But there had never accured a good time to tell him, to be real, there are never good times to say new like this, either way it would be sad and hard.

"I can't leave my family, you know that." With every second that goes by, it gets harder and harder to look at him. The only thing you see in his eyes, are the sadness, and him begging for you to stay.

"Less than an hour ago you called me family, but now you're leaving me anyway." His voice changes drasticaly, now sounding mad at you, which is even worse.

"Instead of getting angry and sad, let's use the rest of our time with nice things." You propose. You want to spend the rest of your time in London, with nice things and making the a last couple of memories, not arguing with your best friend.

You will do everything in your power to stay just as close when you are thousands of miles from each other.

"Yeah, let's do that."

"Do you remember the first Christmas we spend together?" You ask him with a smile on your lips from the memory.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2021 ⏰

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