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They've been walking for somewhat close to an hour now (or has it been two?). The sun is close to setting, and the sky is bathed in an orange light that is reflecting off the many trees and lakes of the mountain.

What makes it even better is the fact Lan Wangji is walking right beside him. It would almost be perfect, except for the fact that Wei Wuxian feels lightheaded. He thinks he's about to faint.

He doesn't want to for several reasons. First of all is that just because he's used to the familiar headache that occurs after waking up from fainting, doesn't mean he likes it. Second is that he knows Lan Zhan will be worried. Third is that his clothes will get dirty.

Though he's not gonna lie, seeing Lan Zhan fuss over him with definitely be worth it. And so he gives in to the temptation of fainting.


He gains consciousness slowly.

The first thing that registers is the gentle sound of a babbling brook. Then it's the dull pounding of a headache just starting. What follows is something that confuses him at first - what feels like a pillow under his head.

Except that makes no sense.

Last he knew they were in the middle of the mountains, with no towns in sight.

A minute of confusion before he recognizes the feeling of the material the Gusu Lan Clans outfits are made of, and that Lan Zhan is humming a familiar song.

He's laying in Lan Zhan's lap? Indeed those are Lan Zhan's arms wrapped around him. The feeling of soft grass and hard rocks pressing against the back of his legs is what tells him that they're on the ground.

Lan Zhan is sitting on the ground? His white clothes will get dirty!

Wei Wuxian tries to sit up past the comfort of Lan Wangji's arms, except the pounding in his head gets worse. He wouldn't have made it very far, anyways. The humming stops as the arms around his waist tighten, and he falls back.

"Wei Ying? You're awake?" Lan Zhan speaks barely above a whisper, which is good because Wei Wuxian isn't sure he would have survived any level of sound above that.

The pounding in his head is furious and he groans, pressing his head harder into Lan Zhan's chest as if the pressure would force the pain away. He can feel Lan Wangji pause, feel it as he holds his breath and then releases it slowly.

"What's wrong?" Lan Zhan is speaking even softer if that's even possible, and Wei Wuxian wonders how he can still hear him. "Your head hurts?" Oh. That's how. Lan Zhan's lips are pressed against the shell of Wei Yings ear, and Wei Ying has to repress a shiver.

Yeah, he definitely isn't fully conscious yet. He only manages a soft nod.

Lan Zhan shifts underneath him, the pressure on his waist lifts, and then there's gentle fingers on the nape of his neck, lifting his head slightly. Lan Zhan shifts some more, and then Wei Yings head is slowly lowered.

There's fingers in his hair making gentle circular motions against his scalp and, oh. Wei Ying would be purring if he could. He tilts his head up, and hums softly as Wangji's fingers deftly work his headache away.

He's drifting off before he knows it, the gentle sound of the babbling brook and Wangji's massage putting his mind at ease.


He wakes to the sunrise. The mountain is bathed in orange light, casting it with an ethereal glow.

His headache has gone but he still sits up slowly, testing. Only when he's sure that it's not going to come back does he rise to his feet, looking around.

Lil' Apple stands a few paces away, munching on grass. It looks at him as if to say You're finally awake?  before continuing its feast. Wuxian just frowns at it, looking around for Wangji, whose nowhere to be seen.

Their packs sit against a tree just behind him, so he knows Lan Zhan hasn't left. Not that he thinks he would have left without saying something, but it's still nice to be sure.

Lan Zhan wouldn't have gone far, not while Wei Ying was still sleeping. No, he would have remained within hearing distance should anything happen.

"Lan Zhan!" And just to be sure, he calls out again. "Lan Wangji!"

It only takes a few seconds before Wangji is making a beeline for him, jumping down from the cliff just over the other side of the stream. Wangji rushes to him as soon as his feet touch down, and Wuxian sees that his eyes are blown wide with fear, and he's panting slightly as he comes to a stop just in front of him.

Wangji grabs hold of him by the shoulders, his eyes scanning every inch of him for injury, for hurt. "Wei Ying! Wei Ying, hurt?"

Wei Ying smiles, covering Lan Zhan's hands with his own. He shakes his head. "I'm fine, Lan Z-"

Lan Zhan covers Wei Yings lips with his own before Wei Ying can finish his sentence. Wei Ying is surprised, is stiff and resistant at first but then Lan Zhan stiffens and goes to pull away, and Wei Ying melts into the kiss like ice on a hot day, pulling Lan Zhan closer.

When they part for breath Lan Zhan lowers his head until it is resting on Wei Yings shoulder, and Lan Zhan takes in a ragged breath. Wei Ying frowns and tries to pull away to look at Lan Zhan's face, but Lan Zhans arms tighten to keep him in place.

Which is fine, Wei Ying doesn't have to look at his face to know what is going through his head. Which is why he says, "I'm okay, Lan Zhan. I'm here. I'm fine." He repeats it until Lan Zhan's breath evens out, until he raises his head. His eyes are shining, tears left unshed, and this time Wei Ying pulls him in for another kiss.

This time they are both panting when they pull apart, and they lean on each other until their breathing slows.

Wei Ying smiles into Lan Zhan's shoulder, speaking a quiet "I love you." Lan Zhan stiffens, and Wei Ying thinks he said something wrong, but then Lan Zan laughs, nothing more than a puff of air onto Wei Yings shoulder but enough to make Wei Ying beam with happiness.

"Love you," Lan Zhan says, the words muffled by where he's speaking into Wei Yings shoulder. Wei Ying beams even more, pulling back to look Lan Zhan in the eyes.

Lan Zhan frowns at the slight separation, but he softens upon seeing Wei Ying smile. "Say it again," Wei Ying says, and this time it's Lan Zhan who smiles.

"Love you," he says once more, just to see Wei Ying smile even wider. "Love you," he says again, just because he can. "Love Wei Ying. Will always love Wei Ying." And finally, just because saying it means Wei Ying is actually here, is actually in front of him, in his arms, he says, "Wei Ying."

And this time when Wei Ying smiles at him, Lan Zhan smiles back.


Hey! So I am cross posting this from my ao3 because I figured there may be some people who, for some reason, don't have access to ao3 and therefore can only read fics here? 

This is a link to it (and me) on ao3~ https://archiveofourown.org/works/20728481

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