• Part 4 •

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What do you guys think of the new cover? I think I'll do some slight editing to it, but I really like this one honestly...

Also I have a four day weekend!


I'm going to be writing like crazy, so I hope you guys are prepared!

That's all I have to say for now..



I was sprawled out on my stomach, staring at my phone. I was waiting for him, Natsu, to text me. After another empty five minutes I groaned and rolled over - which I immediately regretted as pain resonated from my injuries. I muffled my cry of pain with my blanket.

Eventually grasping my phone I decided to call him. No use waiting when he wouldn't call me. I was pulling up his contact when suddenly my screen turned to the call and I was staring at the contact name Natsu.

I slid the button to answer and I held my phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, Luce..." Natsu trailed off.

"Is something wrong?" I try to sit up on impulse but I gasp from pain.

"Lucy! Don't push yourself damn it!" Natsu growled making me freeze and fall silent.

"S-sorry.." I stammer after a short period of silence.

"Look, I'm coming over. Right now." He says firmly.

"Right now?! But my dad and Michelle are home, what would they thi-"

"Lucy, I don't care right now. I need to talk to you. I'll take care of it just don't do anything else to get hurt. That could be anything for you," I heard his smirk.

"Oh, shut up!" I snap. And to think I was missing this guy! I set down my phone and turned my head to look over at the all-too-distant pain killers. I sat for a bit, contemplating the worth of getting them. I weighed the options and decided to just get the damn pills.

I quickly sat up and grit my teeth from the resonating pain. I pushed myself to my feet and I walked as quickly as I could towards my bathroom...which was still too slow for my taste. I got to the threshold of the door and leaned on the frame, holding my side and gasping softly. I felt like I had sprinted a mile.

"Lucy." A voice growled. I didn't want to turn around. I wasn't sure what scene I would be greeted with if I did.

"I thought I told you not to push yourself," Natsu's voice drew closer. I tried to stop my panting and I removed my hand from my side.

"I'm fine," I choked out. "I was just grabbing my pills.."

"And you couldn't wait? Jeez you're more impatient than I thought," he tsk'd. Then I felt an arm wrap around the lower part of my waist, avoiding my injuries, and pulling me back from the door frame.

"Go lay back down," Natsu ordered gently. I nodded and started slowly walking back, careful not to make any noise giving hints of my pain.

I sat down quicker than I planned to and a stabbing feeling collided with my side and my hand flew to my mouth in attempt to muffle the cry.

Natsu unfortunately still heard and he looked my direction with a worried expression. He walked over with the pain killers and a glass of water and had me drink them. He started lifting my tank top up and I quickly grabbed his hand to stop it.

"What are you-" I started inquiring but he interrupted me.

"I'm going to re-wrap your chest and apply some medicine to help with the bruising." He reassured me with a slightly amused look.

"What's with the face?" I ask furrowing my brow. "It's not funny.."

"What did you think I was doing Lucy?" He teased.

"I-I d-don't know!" I stammer.

He smirked and shook his head. "You where thinking I was trying to seduce you or something, right?"

My face flushed slightly and I glared at him. "Was not!" I snap defensively as he unwrapped the bandage. He raised an eyebrow and when he saw my cheeks he laughed softly.

"Just hurry up.." I purse my lips and turn my head from him. Occasionally his hands would graze my bare skin and I fought the urge to shiver. He applied a cool ointment to the large area where I was bruising on my side and lower chest. I winced when he pressed a little to hard but he noticed and was gentler.

"Y-you're surprisingly gentle..." I murmur my comment quietly. He looks up at my half hidden face slightly surprised. Then he returns to his work.

"I don't want to hurt you...I don't hurt people who are important to me," he answers after a time of silence. My eyes widen when I realize what he said. I'm important to him? When did I...when did I become important to someone like him?

My thoughts are interrupted when he starts to re-wrap me and his hand holds down the bandage on the uninjured side of my waist. I bite my lip as he grows closer to the top before he suddenly stops and stands up, finished.

"Thanks," I scoot back on my bed slowly. He heads for the door, leaving. That's when I remember how he left yesterday.

"Natsu, wait," I call out to stop him. He turns to me and pushes his hands in his pockets.

"Need something?" He asks with a slightly bored tone.

"Ah...well it's probably none of my business...but, where did you go yesterday?" I meet his gaze which I find is fixed on me with some intensity.

"I had to go in for work," he answers quickly.

"Where do you work..?" I prompt him.

"Nowhere important," he turns to leave again. I bite my lip and stare down at my covers.

"Hey, Natsu can you s-" I stop when I realize he was already gone. I let out a soft sigh of relief. I was glad he hadn't heard the sentence I didn't complete. I shouldn't ask that anyway.

I shouldn't let myself get attached to someone who will probably leave me when I become inconvenient for him.

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