The Start of the End of the World

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"Kevin," Estra whined, "Why do we have to be here?" They paced back in forth, almost as if they did it for any longer they would start making a hole from it. Snow slowly drifting onto the two of them.

"Even I do not know," Kevin sighed, rubbing his temples in frustration. He looked over at Estra, they were trying to fix their hair but was failing horribly. They groaned and decided it wasn't worth the struggle of hiding their eye patch. They got up and went towards one of the tents so they could take a nap.

"Listen Estra, you can't go take a nap right now, there might be enemies near by" Kevin lectured, making Estra once again groan and sit back down on a stack of crates.

A snap could be heard in the not so far distance, like a tree branch being broken by someone stepping on it, Kevin and Estra turning quickly, looking towards where the sound came from. Kevin saw a quick movement that had the silhouette of a person. The bushes and leaves could be heard rustling just like when you run.

"Estra, you need to run now!" Kevin yelled, the now identified human in the forest quickly ran towards them, Estra quickly running off , the human now identified as a Russian soldier that was sent to capture Estra, while that soldier chased after them, another came out from the woods. The new soldier looked at Kevin and raised his gun.

"Please don't," Kevin pleaded, the Russian only tilted his head as he could not understand English. He shot Kevin but not a fatal shot, he was going to question him. As Kevin fell to the ground, the Russian walked over towards Kevin's body and quickly knocked him unconscious, wishing to cause as little much pain, after all you need the person you're questioning to be able to actually speak.

Estra running as quickly as possible, winding through the forest, trying not to trip on the many tree roots. The snow started to fall faster and more and more snow came down, steam coming off of their body as the snow made contact with their bare skin. They stopped for a second to catch their breath, they had been running for who knows how long at this point. Then something could be heard from behind them.

"Come on out! Don't be afraid to show yourself!" Estra demanded, a single Russian soldier walked out from behind a tree. It seemed to weird, why would he step out, how did he understand what they said. As they were lost in thought with all these questions, the soldier pulled out a gun. Estra looked at the Russian and down at his gun then back at the Russian. Just as they were about to go and beat up the guy, more soldiers came out from behind the trees, surrounding Estra.

"Shit," muttered Estra as one walked up to them and knocked them out. Just before they blacked out, they felt their body touch the cold snow, however instantly evaporating it. The world went black as they were dragged away deep into the woods.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2021 ⏰

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