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It had been but a few weeks that I had been onboard the USS-Enterprise, my dream had finally come true and I was thrilled to be living it! I made sure to pinch myself every morning to make sure that I wasn't actually dreaming. I worked in the Engineering department, I was always good with more technical subjects throughout school and Starfleet training, so once I had to specialize more, I knew exactly what to pick. 

Today seemed to be no different, it was December 12, 2267. I had been sent down to the engine compartment to fix some faulty connections, nothing too difficult, so I was satisfied with the easy day I had ahead of me. I had been down there for a few hours when I heard the familiar beep of the overhead speakers.


I stood in confusion for a few seconds, noticed that my crew members were staring at me, just as confused, and shook my head in a shiver. Why am I needed in sick bay? I shrugged, put my tools back into my bag, and went off to go to my destination. It didn't take me that long, and once the automatic doors slid open for me, I confidently walked into the room. After taking a look around, Dr. McCoy caught my attention by waving at me. I made my way across the floor, and he gestured me to sit down.

-Hello, Dr. McCoy. How may I be of service to you, sir?

-Hello, ensign Kiara, I just needed some help with some computer equipment, a quick fix for you I'm sure, but as you can see, it's not exactly my specialty - he followed that with a chuckle and gave me a warm smile, which I returned

-Alright, I'm sure I can help with that, where is it?

-Oh, just this one right here

He showed me a completely fried computer, which in our technological era is a quite easy fix. I got to work, the whole time chatting with Dr. McCoy about some of his memories from Starfleet Academy and his early days onboard. Then at some point it got to this:

-So, um, Miss Sagolsen, I was looking through crew medical records and saw something that was off with your chart

-Oh....really? What would that be? - I continued to work, not completely comprehending what was said

-Ah, yes, well, you see....your dental records were forged

My heart dropped when he said that. Shit, I thought I would be fine...

-Oh, huh, that's sure odd, isn't it?

-Well, yes, I was certainly very confused about that myself. It's just that I ran them through our databases, and certain dates and names didn't seem to match up to anything in our database, so I was surprised. I mean, the doctors at Starfleet never really pay much attention to dental records, so I'm sure that's why they didn't notice anything. Odd, isn't it?.....

He trailed off for dramatic effect, making me more tense. My breath got shallower, and my voice quivered as I spoke:


A few seconds pass.

-Well, um....anyway,..your computer's fixed. I should be going back to my post now, got circuits to fix, have a nice rest of your day, Sir.

I stood up, tool box in hand and started to speedwalk to the door.

-Miss Sagolsen, wait a minute!

I stopped in my tracks, knowing I couldn't just leave without acknowledging a higher ranking officer. I turned around, trying to smile to not completely blow my cover.

-Meet me in Sick bay tomorrow at 1500, we'll have a word about this whole situation then, alright?

-Yes, Sir....

I put my head down as I walked back to Engineering to continue my work day. The rest of my shift was a blur, the only thing on my mind was the meeting I had no choice but to go to tomorrow. My job was on the line, for if Starfleet were to find out I had forged documents,  I would be back on Earth working at some random cafe for minimum wage again...


a/n: alright, I'm not aiming for 100% accuracy, I just though the setting would be cool and it gives me some nostalgia. I'll be splitting this into 2 parts, the next part will definitely be longer, so stay tuned and be sure to vote on this story)

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