I have To Tell You Something..

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Hi guys! This story is set after what happened in true colors but before they went to Wartwood. Hope you will enjoy it!

"Well there you are!" Grime spread his arms and gave me the awkward pat-pat on shoulder.
" Good morning Grimy! What do you want to talk about?" i tried to sound as cheerful as possible.
I sat on a wooden chair and so did he.
" You said it was something rather important..." The tone of my voice dropped a bit. I don't know what i can expect him to say. I hope it won't be bad news. I have had enough of bad news, bad times, bad situation...
"Sasha, i can see, that the way you act has changed. You haven't been so confident and bossy in the past few weeks. You alwass are super bossy and super confident and social! There must be something on your mind.. If you want, we can... " Grime flopped around with his hands in the air. "- talk about it? And i know this sounds so sappy and a literal opposite of what we toads are used to but, you Sasha." He stood up. And came closer to me. Bent down and gently put his hand on my shoulder. " You mean a lot to me." He stood up very fast. I could see that this whole feelings things was new to him. But, but he cares about me. I can tell. And... I care about him too. "You mean a lot to me too Grime." I let out a small whisper.
"But tell me Sasha, what's wrong? Is there something bothering you?" I have never seen him so worried and caring. It actually makes me happy, since i can really see how much I mean to him.
"Well Sasha?" i am afraid to tell him how i feel... And what i feel. I am afraid that he will not love me as much as he does now , look at me the same way. That he will give me special treatment. Or the worst, he won't accept me and even kick me out. I, i have to tell him. Now or never.
"Promise you won't judge me or look at me in weird way" I have to make sure...
"What? You and your weird human ways. How can i promise something if i don't even know what i am going to promise??!" He looked rather annoyed, but i need to do this. Just to feel more comfortable telling him.
"I said promise..." I looked away. "OR I won't tell you anything!"
"Alright, alright, i promise. Now, will you tell me what has been bothering you??"
I have to be brave.
"I have been experiencing these feelings ever since i was young kid. I never felt fully comfortable in my own body. When puberty hit, it got even worse. My hips got bigger and so did my chest. I feel discomfort in my own body. Same thing for my voice. When people call me lady, ms, or girl... Basicaly anything feminine... It doesn't feel right. But today, some random toad soldier accidentally called me a mister, or whatever... I felt so euphoric. It felt so right. I, i have been thinking about this for a while. When i cut my hair, it finally started to look a bit more like me. On the inside. I am pretty sure that... " I stopped. It feels like there is a whole brick in my throat. I am so so afraid to tell him everything.
" That.... You are what? " He asked, rather softly.
I think, that i trust him. Alright. Here we go.
" I am pretty sure that i am trans male... ".....


I am leaving this on a bit of cliffhanger. I hope that you like the story so far. Maybe i Will upload the next chapter tomorrow, who knows. Thank you so so much for reading this and hope that you are feeling well. If not, you can always dm me on instagram and we can talk. Whether it is the fact that you may be transgender and you need some advice, or there is something on your heart and you need to get it out, or literally anything that is making you sad. I am here to listen. I love you a lot! Byeee!!

!! Please, don't use this image without my permission! If I let you use it, you have to give me full credit. I edited it myself. Thank you for your understanding. !!

I Love You The Same (Sasha Waybright - amphibia) Where stories live. Discover now