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"Oh hi darling <3~"

Mire had switched on the light. His flirtatious voice had a twitch in it. His black hair fell in his face but his love struck eyes were visible. He wiped some blood on his face but it smeared on his cheek.
The blood dripping off his clothes panicked you. He noticed this and began to take his hood off.

"Oh this? Just a stain doll.." He threw it to the side.
He had nothing underneath showing his toned body. You noticed new bandages had appeared. White, blood stained ones wrapped around his abdomen and arm.
His tall frame relaxed and he stretched, rolling his shoulders. His dark, alluring eyes stared into your widened ones and he smirked.

Mire came closer to you with his arms open. You scrawled backwards in an attempt to get away on the ground. Your hands were suddenly wrist high in a puddle of blood. You turned only to find a dead body.

Your bestfriends dead body.

You almost screamed. You dashed up toward the stairs and heard Mire follow. You were yearning for the steps when his hand wrapped around your ankle pulling you down.
"Let go of me murderer!!" You pushed and pushed him but he held you in place calmly.
"You're crazy!!"
"Please don't hurt me!"
"You're gonna kill me??!"
"You're sick!"
You vented in a frenzy as he took every kick and hit calmly.

His hand wrapped around your neck and he tightened gently. He tilted your head up so that your ear was by his lips.
"You know.. I love you but you're really pissing me off.."
Tears rolled down your face and he heard your sniffles.

"Oh Geez Y/n.. I did this for you. Why are you upset?"
"You k-killed her.." you cried.
"You didn't really like her, she was a bitch"
"She didn't deserve-
"I hated her.. the way she treated you like an insect.."
Mire got up and kicked her dead body. Her long, straight black hair covered her face which you were thankful for.

"She took advantage of your kindness and used it against you. She would hate on your beauty and try to embarrass you in front of people.."
He snapped his eyes at you, "You know all this too well.. tell me, how did it make you feel?"
"I.. It didn't feel good but.." You wiped your tears but more flooded in.
"I know.. You think murder is wrong? I get it love~ You're so sweet, cute and innocent" He pulled out his bloody knife.

"She was a bad person, Karma would've eventually got her but that would take too long.. I'll kill anyone who hurts you~" Mire came closer and placed his bloody hand on your cheek. "Anyone~" He kissed your lips but you felt numb.
You were confused.
You did hate her, how she treated you, how she made you feel.
"She can't hurt you anymore.. no one will~"


You ran upstairs.
You went straight to the bathroom and vomited.
You thought it was the guilt that made you sick.
Mire leaned against the door frame.
"Y/n.. what's wrong?"
"I um.." You were trembling, "I'm just a little shook up." You felt arms wrap around you.
Mire nuzzled his head in the crook of your neck.
"I'll do anything for you Y/n~ You just don't understand right now. She obviously didn't want us together.. and we can't have that, now can we?~"

Your body stopped trembling when his warm body embraced yours. You didn't know why..
"I have to tell you something" Mires fingers trailed on your waist making you somewhat nervous and flustered.
"I'll be having some friends over okay? It's important that you stay close to me.. even if you don't want too right now"

His voice was serious and he hugged you tighter.
Did he truly love you? Your head felt like it was spinning.
"You're burning up!" Mires red painted hand touched your head. "You need to take a shower and get some rest. Do you want a scented hot bath? I'll make you one"
His sweet tone was back and he sounded genuine. He went over to the tub and lit candles putting rose pedals and salts in the tub.
You just sat and watched.

Was this normal? You were both soaked in blood acting as if it was.
You were dazed and felt like you were in a trance.
The way he prepared the bath water so cheerfully. As if he was enjoying doing this for you.
It made you think,

Was Mire smiling when he killed her?

When he was done he placed a towel and a new bath robe nearby.
"I'll be downstairs"
Mire was leaving out the room and you felt a wave of loneliness, confusion and anxiety wash over you.
You didn't want to be alone and instinct kicked in as you grabbed his bandaged wrapped arm.
He almost jumped at the sudden movement.
"You can.. join me" You looked away blushing, you didn't know what you were doing honestly. He had just murdered your bestfriend.

He looked down, "Be careful what you say doll~"

Chile anyways so 😟

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