When did you join the Wattpad?
I joined in 2011, but I only put up a few short stories, poems, and a Doctor Who FanFic script series for the first few years. They didn't do well, so I kind of drifted away to other things.
When did you publish your first book?
Back in 2020, January, I started playing Elder Scrolls Online and got inspired. I started writing a FanFic and it became a novel length. I posted that here and I haven't stopped writing since.
What is your most hateful component while writing?
Finding time to write. I like to write at least once a day, usually twice, and sometimes life gets in the way (~shakes fist at life~). But, yeah, things stopping me while writing bothers me.
So how do you plot the story and all? Do you get inspired by anypersonalities?
Sometimes I get inspired by old movies, sometimes the plots just come to me. Like one of my stories was inspired by True Grit, but in a fantasy setting and another by Akira Kurosawa's Samurai movies.
Are your Antagonists created from your imagination or inspiration?
My antagonists build up as I write in response to my protagonists and the events of the story. I like to start with basic traits and then build them up as the story goes.
What are your Thanks notes for your readers? Any tips for budding Shakespeare on this Wattpad?
I'd just like to say what I always say, which is: If you're a writer, just write. Even if it's only one sentence, one paragraph. Just write. One word after another and let you're imagination go. The story will come, so long as you start with that one word, and then the next.
How do you handle your life with your writer self?
I write as often as I can. Life comes first, but writing close behind.. What is your first ever comment on your book that made you heartwarming?It was a heart. Just a heart and I almost cried to see it.
Do you have any friends on Wattpad?
Only online friends. No real-life ones.
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