Pete Garcia

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     Hello, My name is Pete Garcia. I am going to be telling you of a time that I had been almost killed, a lot. Now, if you will just be thinking; ¨ Is this about a car wreck, or about a time you chocked on spinach?¨ Just, no. My story is about demons, gods, titans, and war. Pretty good, huh? Sure. Anyways, lets just start...

1 year ago, Pete's P.O.V

   ¨ Mister Garcia, can you please read to the class, out loud? Page 4.¨ My teacher Mrs. Coffin asked me. I looked around the class. Of course Mrs. Coffin choose me to read. I was the kid that was always in the back, never really paying attention. I looked at my English textbook. The words blurred and swung around the pages. I was in that position for about a minute, before I looked up at Mrs. Coffin. ¨ I'm sorry Mrs. Coffin. I can't read it. She sighed, as if she was used to that, which she was. ¨ Fine, but I want to you to read the Greek part, okay?¨ Mrs. Coffin talked about English, Greek, Latin, and more. ¨ Okay.¨ I looked down at the book, this time at the Greek part. 

     ¨ο υιός του ο ήλιος. Ο γιος του Απόλλων¨ Mrs. Coffin looked slightly pleased. Now, say it in English. ¨ The son of the sun. The son of Apollo.¨ A/n: I do not know if I spelled that right in Greek or in English, so sorry if I spelled it wrong. d:} - V out.   Mrs. Coffin seamed fully pleased now. ¨ Correct. Good job, Mr. Garcia.¨ 




That was the bell, and I got up from my seat, and walked out of the door. I had my big, overfilled backpack slung over my shoulder. I went to James Merman Middle school. I was in 7th grade. 

I walked away from the school stairs, and I proceeded to my apartment. ¨ Hey man!! Wait up!¨ I heard some one say. I turned around. ¨ Hi Ben.¨ Ben is my best friend. He is also my only friend here in James Merman Middle school. Ben sort of looks like a 9th grader, because he has a slight goatee. He probably flunked a few times. Ben has curly brown hair, and white skin. He had lots of freckles. 

¨ Man, bro, Are you gonna go to the trip to the woods tomorrow? It starts at 6:30, and I can wait for you at your house. Plus, Everyone will be there!¨ I thought about it for a little before responding to his question. ¨ You know what Ben,¨ I looked straight at him. ¨ Usually I would say no, but today I think I will go to the trip today. I do still have my camping gear in my room.¨ And after a few waves from Ben, I was walking back to my home, alone.

     ¨ Hug.¨ I stretched as I slowly got out of my bed. I did not feel like a morning person. 


¨ What? It's 5:00 already?¨ I looked at my clock. ¨ Holy-cow!!¨ I jumped out of bed, and I ran to my closet, and I jumped into my clothes as fast as I could. I grabbed my camp-gear as well.


I heard again. I ran down the stairs of my apartment. I went to the kitchen. My mother was not awake yet, so I was alone. I opened the fridge, and grabbed my snack bag, and a couple of Gatora for later. I slid across the floor, until I was at the front door. I opened. 

¨ Hey, man.¨ Ben said. He was wearing a small beanie, and a camping jacket. ¨ You ready?¨ I looked around. ¨ Yeah. Let's go.¨ Ben and I walked to our bikes. ¨ I'll race you there!¨ Ben shouted, as he started to peddle fast up to the close hill/mountain tops. ¨ Not if I get there first!¨ I exclaimed. I started to peddle faster than him, and in just 20 minutes, We made it to the top. ¨ Huff-Puff.¨ Ben wheezed. ¨ H-How do you go so fast? I'm dying over here!¨ I just laughed. There's the camp!¨ Ben said, immediately standing up straight. ¨ Let's go.¨ 

We began to walk. We walked for about 5 minutes, before we almost got to the camp. Just before we did, a giant strike of lightning zapped the ground next to me. I froze. So did Ben. ¨ Oh, Gods...¨ I didn't understand why he had said Gods, with a s. Another lightning blot. Ben tried to push me, but I was a stiff as a rock. The lightning got closer. Just before the next lightning bolt came, I jump out of the way, with Ben still holding on my shirt. I stumbled, and started in a run. After what felt like forever, I finally dropped. My eyes, ears, and pretty much my whole body was aching. ¨ C-come on bro. W-we got to get into the camp.¨ I groaned. ¨ O-o-okay...¨

    We walked into the camp. There were a bunch of cabins, and one 2 story building. There was a huge strawberry field, and big parkour courses everywhere.I was just about to asked if we were in the right camp, when a real life spear whooshed through the air, and almost pinning me in the gut. It hit the wood sign, that said, ¨ στρατόπεδο τα μισα-φόνος. Camp Half-blood.¨ [A/n: I do not know if I spelled that right d:-]  

¨Woah! Man! Watch it!¨ Ben hollered out. I looked around, to see who he was talking to. A big strong teenager boy came running to us. He was wearing Greek like bronze armor, and a big bronze helmet, with a long red feather spike on the back of it. ¨ Move aside, Runts.¨ He grumbled, as he walked over to the sign, trying to get his spear out from the wood. Actually he said it in Greek, so it sounded like this: ¨ Αφαιρέστε τις υφάνσεις, Περίπου.¨ Excuse me?! I am not a ¨Runt¨ I am a -¨ ¨ You're a satyr!¨ I interrupted him. He looked surprised. ¨ How did you know that!?¨ I bit my lip. ¨ Well, you have always been wearing your beenie, or a hoodie, or both. and you look older than you are supposed to be. Mrs. Coffin talked to us about Satyrs last week. So, I know about them, you.¨ Ben was about to say something, when the buff teenager put his big hands on Ben and my shoulders. ¨ Αρκετά κουβέντα, Τώρα πρέπει να σε πάρω 2 Χείρωνας. [ Enough talking, Now I will take you to Chiron.¨

And with that, Mister Buff guy escorted us into the camp. Oh, boy. 

The son of Apollo (1# in The Son's destiny series)Where stories live. Discover now