He Is My Dad!?

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      Mister Buff guy plopped Ben and I down on the hard dirt ground, in front of a horse. Well, a half horse and half human. This man had a human torso and up, but below his torso, has a horse's body. ¨ A centaur. Woah.¨ ¨ Χείρωνας, τον βρηκα, Ο γιος του Απόλλωνα, Και το δικό του Σάτυρος Φίλε. [ Chiron, I found the son of Apollo, and his Satyr friend]¨ Chiron looked at me, then Ben, then The buff boy. ¨ Thank you Bog, son of Ares. You may leave now, and train.¨ Bog bowed, and left with his spear. Chiron turned to Ben and I again. ¨ Hello again Ben.¨ Ben looked red. ¨ Hello mister Chiron.¨ Chiron looked at me. He pointed his index finger to me. ¨ And this boy. Are you sure he is the one from his father's prophecy?¨ Ben bit his lip. ¨ I am sure Chiron, sir.¨ He got up, and from height comparison, Chiron was at least 2 feet taller than him. ¨ Pete knows about us, and he will be the one from the prophecy!¨ ¨ I do not want to lose another child because of a mistake!¨ ¨ It's not a mistake! He really is the son in the pro-¨

     ¨WAIT!!!!¨ I screamed. Chiron and Ben stopped arguing. A few kids, who were training, stopped and looked to see where all of the yelling had come from. ¨ WHO IS MY FATHER!?¨ Chiron and Ben both bit their lips. Chiron's horse legs didn't stay still. ¨ Pete Garcia,¨ Chiron started. ¨ Your father is a, God. One of Many.¨ My mind went almost blank. My legs slightly wobbled. ¨ W-what?¨ Chiron continued. ¨ And, my dear boy, Your father is the God of music, poets, archey, prophecy, The Sun, and More.¨ He looked at the crowds of kids that had gathered around us. ¨ I give you, Pete Garcia, Son of Apollo, and the son to fulfill the prophecy!¨ 2/3 of the kids there cheered. 1/3 of them grumbled and muttered under their breaths. They were probably wishing that they were gonna be the one to fulfill the prophecy. 

My mind ached. I felt light-headed. My body lost control. I felt to the ground with a crash. My eyes closed. Everything went black. That was all too much for my brain to handle. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2021 ⏰

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