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*4 months later*

You were out at the park with Rhea, Pearl, and Addie when you threw a tennis ball with the girls until Luna and Sydney came back with their tennis balls and the two of you threw them again as all the dogs ran after them until you heard your phone ringing and looked at it as it was a call from James and you answered it.

You: Hello?

James: Hey Y/N! Get to the hospital quick! Ashley's going into labor!

You: Ok, we'll be right there!

You hung up after getting directions to the hospital from James as you informed Rhea about what was going on and you both gathered Addie and Pearl along with all the dogs in the van and drove quickly to the hospital.

*Hours Later*

It had been 8 hours since Shotzi went into labor and you were waiting with everyone in the waiting room. Rhea, Alexa, and Toni played with Dustin, Addie and Pearl while you, Chris, and Wyatt waited patiently until the doctor came into the waiting room with James by his side.

Doctor: You're all allowed to come back. It was a successful delivery.

James: He's here.

Everyone smiled until all of you followed them to Shotzi's room and saw her holding the baby that looked like a mixture of her and James. Shotzi then looked up at you and Rhea as the two of you got a look at the baby.

Shotzi: It's about time he got here.

Rhea: Exactly what I thought when the girls came along.

Rhea then held Shotzi's and James's new baby boy in her arms while you smiled at this sight until the baby opened his eyes to see you and Rhea.

You: I hope he's not getting the wrong idea on who his parents are.

James: It's alright. He already knows what we sound like.

The baby boy then looked over at James until Rhea handed him to James.

Shotzi: Go ahead. Tell them his name.

James nodded to Shotzi.

James: Everyone, meet Mason Ronald Phillps.

Everyone liked the name until everyone got a chance to interact with Mason until time went on and the nurse came in to inform everyone that Shotzi and Mason needed to rest until you and everyone said goodnight to Shotzi and Mason before leaving the hospital for the night.

*3 Days Later*

After Shotzi and James brought Mason to their home, You and Rhea were with them while Addie and Pearl were interacting with Mason until you had to go to the bathroom when you closed the door and did your business until you finished and washed your hands until you saw a pair of scissors on the counter when you just looked at them and you looked at your recent tattoo where your scar used to be.

You (in your mind): Shit. Those look like the ones I used to do it.

You then thought about when you cut yourself after your parents died when you tried to get it out of your head until you realized that you were reaching for the scissors and caught yourself on what you were doing until you backed your hand away from them and left the bathroom to continue playing with Addie, Pearl, and Mason, but Rhea knew something was up with you.

Rhea: Everything alright Y/N?

You: Yeah. Just thinking about some stuff. Here honey, let daddy help you with that.

Addie smiled at you when you helped her and Pearl form a small pillow fort and Rhea shortly joined in with helping them while you and Rhea played with Addie and Pearl.

Breaking All The Rules (Male Reader x Rhea Ripley)Where stories live. Discover now