Chapter 57

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Song Nanqiao ordered the most expensive western restaurant in the city and opened a private room separately.

When he came in with Wen Wenyao, the eyes of the surrounding waiters were all attracted. Within a short second, everyone's eyes were concentrated on Wen Wenyao. The girl's appearance and temperament were too good, so these well-trained waiters couldn't help but look at it more.

"Go in first." Song Nanqiao took Wen Wenyao's hand and led the girl into the private room. Wen Wenyao, who was being pulled by her, followed obediently and shook the opponent's hand obediently.

"Why did you choose this place?" Wen Wenyao sat opposite Song Nanqiao. Actually, he didn't expect Song Nanqiao to book such a good restaurant directly.

After this meal, it is impossible not to spend seven to eighty thousand.

"Perhaps only a restaurant of this level can be worthy of you."

Song Nanqiao looked at Wen Wenyao's face and said thoughtfully.

Her gaze began to become a little hot, looking at Wen Wenyao, she felt that Wen Wenyao was really too perfect, especially that face, which really made her want to stop. In her own eyes, no one can compare to it. Wen Wenyao.

"Why look at me like this all of a sudden?" Wen Wenyao's mouth raised slightly, Song Nanqiao looked at her with this kind of eyes, and she would feel a little shy and like it in her heart.

"Sorry" the girl's words brought Song Nanqiao back to her senses. Knowing that this seemed a bit rude, she quickly turned her gaze away.

"It's okay."

Wen Wenyao didn't care, but he was a little happy.

When the two people were talking, the waiter brought some appetizers, one plate after another, not too much. The exquisite food was placed on the table, Wen Wenyao ate a little bit, and then took a look. Song Nanqiao, the other party hasn't moved his chopsticks much.

Just drank the tea that came with it.

"Can you eat some of these things?"

Wen Wenyao put down his knife and fork and asked worriedly.

"It should be possible, not too much." Her stomach can now bear some soft food.

"Don't force it, the body is the most important thing." Wen Wenyao poured a bowl of soup into Song Nanqiao's bowl. Song Nanqiao has lost a lot of weight during this period, and the meat on his face has lost a circle. Wen Wenyao is watching it. , Anxious in my heart.

She wanted to replenish Song Nanqiao's body several times, but the doctor told her that it was better to drink porridge and slowly raise the body.

"Excuse me, the two main dishes are here." The waiter knocked on the door, and then slowly pushed it away.

Two portions of super high-quality meat were brought up. These were only arrived today. Each portion is calculated in grams, and one bite is hundreds of dollars. There is also a portion of shrimp porridge.

"I'll give you one more." Song Nanqiao motioned to the waiter, and gave Wen Wenyao the more meat, but he only left the bowl of porridge and a small piece of beef.

She can't eat too much.

"Okay." The girl smiled slightly and picked up her knife and fork again.

The action of cutting beef is extremely skillful and smooth. It is the result of countless trainings. When eating, it is more elegant and decent. There is no point in etiquette that can be faulty.

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