endless love part 2

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After jisoo and taehyung died.... Their family and sana family became silent...

For sure...taehyung and jisoo will be together and live happily together....their love for each other is endless...

Tae"s family

" Please stop crying... I swear am sorry... I shouldn't did that " tae's dad said to his wife who kept crying for taehyung and jisoo...

Tae's dad regret it so much... He should not done that... Instead he should let him do what he wants... His dad cried....

" Please forgive me son and jisoo " he cried silently...

At sana's side

Sana was blankly sitting.. she slutshamed jisoo who is inocent and kind..

Sana too regret... She would atleast happy to see taehyung alive though he love jisoo... But just because she want taehyung she force him...

Souls of jisoo and taehyung in heaven....

Jisoo chasing taehyung while laughing and playing....

The end

Please don't mind about souls vsoo

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