Chapter 2

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Hi hello sorry for the late update and sorry for my English and if I made a mistake sorry about that
Raelle's POV:
Raelle walking through the hallway and to the cafeteria with Abigail and Tally, while they are walking she saw the girl that she bump earlier walking and talking to some people.

"Do you know that girl." Raelle asked while pointing to the girl that she bumped to earlier talking to other people.

"Ahh her yes we know her everyone knows her, She's Scylla Ramshorn and let just say she's popular, why did you ask." Abigail said and ask

" I bumped into her earlier after spinning and looking around at this place she looks angry but can we go now and maybe eat something before we need to go to the gym." I said

"Yeah come on." Tally said while walking fast

After like eating Lunch we decided to go to the gym already for the orientation.

After 30 mins it finished and we decided to get back to our room but before I can with the Abi and Tally someone pull me and drag me outside the stadium.

" What is wrong with you and you decided to pull me away from my friends." I said while not looking at the person who pulled me.

" I'm sorry I pulled you out of nowhere, I just want to apologize on what happen earlier I was upset at something earlier that's why I look mad after you bumping in me I didn't mean it and I'm sorry about that." The person said and then I look at the person and saw Scylla

"It's okay don't worry I thought I did something wrong after just spinning and bumping into you and I'm Raelle Collar by the way but call me Raelle or Rae I'm from Chippewa Cession I just got here earlier." I said while looking at her

" I'm Scylla, Scylla Ramshorn but call me scyl but I gotta go and sorry again for earlier and nice meeting you Rae see you soon." Scylla said while walking away after the talk that happen

" Yeah it was nice seeing you and meeting you." I shouted since she's getting far away and I started walking back to the dorm where me, tally and Abigail are staying. What a night.

The next day.
"Where were you Rae we didn't saw you we thought something happen to you after the orientation." Abigail said and ask

" Sorry, Scylla pulled me somewhere and talked to me about what happen yesterday between us both and I didn't expect her to talk to me after that." I said

" Wait she talked to you? She doesn't like talking to new people especially if they bump into her." Tally said.

" I don't know what's going on but she seems friendly and easy to talk to." I said while looking at them and putting my uniform to get ready for class.

" Hmmm that's weird but I'm happy that she's talking to you and come on we're gonna be late if we're gonna stay here longer." Abigail said while smiling a little.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone, have a great day/night and be safe and don't forget to drink water ❤️

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