"Everyone get down!"

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I was reminded of a movie that came out not too long ago and caused this little bugger to jump into my head. My noggin does what it wants. I have no control over it whatsoever!


"I need everyone to stay sharp." Voight began, raspy voice drawing all eyes to him, as they all prepped for the takedown that would be happening two days from now. They were standing in a broken down, concrete courtyard with weeds growing from the cracks of the chipped surface. The courtyard was surrounded by three dilapidated brick buildings, with the Southside open to an abandoned parking lot.

Intelligence and SWAT had spent the morning and part of the afternoon setting up cameras and clearing the buildings and surrounding areas. Now Intelligence was on their own again, Voight putting the SWAT team on standby and sending them back to the precinct. Six SWAT members would be staying and helping with the take down.

"We'll have a team of snipers on each building. Halstead and Jackson take the north building..." Both gave a nod, acknowledging their assignment, "...Olinsky and Graf, the east and Adam and Turner the west."

Jay cut in, elbowing Ruzek, "Moving up in the world."

"Shut up. I'm better than you now."

Jay smirked and Al gave the youngster a look.

Adam raised his hands in surrender, "Okay okay."

Al shook his head with a chuckle, "You're kidding yourself kid." The entire team, even the SWAT members knew there was not a better sniper in CPD than Jay or probably the country for that matter.

"What can I say, I like a good joke."

Everyone laughed and Jay flicked Ruzek's ear. Leave it to Ruzek to break the tension in the situation.

Voight interrupted the laughter, "The rest of us will be on the ground floors of each building for the take down and if the gang sends in their own crew to sweep the buildings. Okay, grab your stuff and head up. I want everyone on coms starting now."

Everyone put their coms in their ears, grabbed their vests, coolers and guns and headed off to their positions.

Jay didn't put in his coms yet or activate it. "Sarge..."

Voight stopped and walked back to Jay.

Jay motioned to Voight's coms. "It's not on. What's up kid?"

"Do you know all of these SWAT guys? Cuz I've never seen Jackson before and I was getting a bad vibe off him when we were clearing our floors."

Hank kept his eyes Halstead, not wanting to give away what they are talking about. "I know he's new on the SWAT team..." He gave Jay a searching look. He trusted him and if he's getting a bad vibe, then there's a reason. "Take your position, I'll have Platt and Mouse look into it."

Voight got on his cell phone and relayed the information to Platt. They were going to need that information ASAP.

Coms in, they both grabbed their gear when Jay saw something out of the corner of his eye.

"Everyone get down!" He yelled and pushed Voight as hard as he can, hopefully out of the blast radius.


Everyone had run for cover as soon as Jay yelled, all of us make it out of the blast range. Only Voight and Jay were affected by the concussion grenade. When the smoke cleared, Voight was on the ground a yard or so from Al, shaking his head to clear it, pushed there mostly by Jay and partly by the blast. Jay, was still in the middle of the courtyard, holding his head as he tried to roll over onto his belly. He had finally managed to get to his knees, when a single shot rang out and threw him backwards onto the pavement, his head hitting the hard surface and knocking him out.

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