"Don't move kid."

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The sun had dipped below the horizon and we were all feeling the chill so I couldn't imagine what it was like for Jay laying on the cold concrete. His eyes had closed again, passed out or sleeping, his body trembling from the cold or shock or maybe from the bullets that flew his way every couple of minutes.

On hold, waiting for Voight to give us an update, we took turns quietly talking to Jay. He had stopped responding to us a while ago but we still didn't want him to feel alone out there if he was listening.

Al got our attention and signaled for us to go to six, leaving the SWAT members, who weren't privy to what's going on and Hailey on the open channel. Hailey continued her one sided conversation with Jay.

When we were all on six, Al gave a quiet 'go' to Voight. We listened silently, most of us never took our eyes off Jay. When Voight finished his monologue we all switch back to the open channel and Voight spoke to all of us.

"We're working something out, we're almost there. So you guys hold tight. I'm trying to see if they'll let me come back in with a couple of guys from 51 and Will. Jay's going to need medical attention ASAP. Hopefully I'll see you soon with good news." Then he addressed Jay, "Hang in there kid. It's almost over. Will's here. We'll get him to you as soon as we can."


Voight just got back, followed by Casey and Severide. Sylvie, Gaby and Will brought up the rear. They had all joined us at the window, watching Jay and trying to come up with a game plan for when this was all over. Voight and Al had moved away from the group and were talking to someone on channel six and Voight sounded pretty pissed. We all switched back to six to listen in.

"...well then who had eyes on the place since we set up the meet?"

Mouse was the other side of the conversation, "Jackson and Burgos."


The room went quiet as all eyes turned to the east door where the two SWAT members had been stationed. Jackson was gone. Voight gave Burgos a death stare.


"Let's have a little chat."

Antonio slammed Burgos against the wall and then sat him down onto an overturned washer. All of Intelligence was looming over him. Even Hailey's small stature loomed with the rest of us. Will had taken up coms and continued the one sided conversation with his brother. The other four SWAT members were smart enough to watch from the background and see how this played out. Burgos knew Voight's reputation and decided to be smart and give up the info on the gang.

"Please Voight, I..."

"Save it! What's the plan?"

Burgos closed his eyes and caved. "They've been here since last night. We let them slip in. The plan was for Jackson to report that his floor in the North building was clear even though it wasn't. I was supposed to do the same with this one. After they we were done clearing the building the guys were going to move into their positions."

Voight waited for the rest. If looks could kill, Burgos' head would have imploded.

"Four guys on each roof - A spotter, lookout and two rifles on each building and Andre's deranged little brother also has the crossbow on the north building."


"There are four more guys sitting over on 17th St. waiting to do the pick-up of the goods."

Hard looks from the whole of the unit had him blurting out the rest.

"They also have explosives and a couple more of the flashbangs. Jackson has been slowly stealing the stuff from SWAT inventory, he's in charge of it. I swear I don't know the rest of the plan. My job was just to pretend that my floor was clear and to let Jackson slip out without saying anything."

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