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Here she was stationed in the arms of a tall, handsome man, who was staring down at her with his deep blue eyes, and on closely checking him out she noticed his dark wavy hair, sharp and strong looking jaws with slim dark pink lips which happens to be so close to hers at the moment and also a well shaped Adam apple, bobling at her. all in one man! such quality.

While it only was a few seconds contact, it felt like forever to Isha, and on realizing her own indulgence, she quickly snapped out of it, cause normally she does not care about such matters, so she went back to her usual neutral poker face.

It seems the man also realised the change and awkward situation, he also stood straight pulling her along to stand, but something seems to be wrong as Isha couldn't stand properly on her feet, her ankles happened to be  bruised, why does this has to happen now, the situation is already so awkward.

On realizing her discomfort, he voiced out "are you Ok" but on closer look he saw that her right ankle looks swollen, so he helped her move towards the nearest bench in the vicinity and before  Isha could say a word or put one and two together a man in a black tuxedo suit was standing next to her with an ice block bag and a first aid box, with a slight bow, he gave the item in his hands to  the man who is now crouching  in front of her and staring at her swollen  ankle.

"Thank you" Isha said, as she quickly collected the ice bag the man was about to place on her bruised ankle, the ice bag left his hand in a flash before he could make sense of what just happened, "I will do it myself" she placed the icebag to her swollen ankle and attached the hook that comes with it, so it can stay put on it own, then looked at the first aid box in his hands and said "It not that serious, I don't need the first aid."

He stared at her with amusement in his eyes, it was just for a second but with a lot of intensity to it depth.

"I apologise for my chauffeurs carelessness" the man standing next to them suddenly had a wide eye expression on, he was surprised by his boss sudden outburst, he has never witness his boss apologise so easily to anyone, on seeing that he bowed and said "Ma'am I apologise for my misconduct, pls accept my apology"

Isha was taken aback by the actions of the duo, she then came to realise that the man who was driving the car leading to the accident was his  chauffeur, which was why he was apologising on his behalf, she exchanged a brief glances with both of them and waved her hands "its fine, am okay" Isha made a move to stand up but hardly succeeded.

The boss man offer to take her to the hospital which she flatly decline, the chauffer was once again amused by his boss action, his boss was showing so much care to a stranger, on normal basis his boss wouldn't even pay that much attention to people his familiar with, talk less of a stranger, that was a first for him to witness his boss being so talkative, from what he remembered, when it comes to such matters, his boss was a man of few words.

The man then said "Can I at least give you a ride home" Isha was really begin to feel stressed by his presence and indulgence "look, I appreciate your concern, but I really am fine and need no further help than this" and as she was done talking, she excused herself and began to walk silently towards her intended direction, without sparing them a glance.

The man stood firm to his position as he watched her walk farther and farther away into the distance. To him, this is not the first time a woman acts or pretends not to need his attention, but this woman is totally real, everything she did right now does not seem like an act, she really doesn't need help and she was upfront and blunt with her words, she wasn't pretending so as to get his attention nor pity, which was quiet unique and uncommon to what he is usually used to with people around him, most especially women.

A flash of what just happened, came back to him, as he remembered a woman jogging towards him who  seems totally oblivious to the person walking towards to her, and suddenly a car horn scare and distracted her to loosing her footing leading to her falling towards the ground, before he could blink he was already moving fast towards her to stop her from falling, since now he was quiet close to her position.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2022 ⏰

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