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“So, did you figure out if you two actually slept together?”

Emma’s eyes widen as she looks over at Elsa. “I told you, we didn’t,” she whisper-shouts to her cousin.

After Killian left that morning, Emma was freaking out, thinking maybe, possibly, she did sleep with Killian, so she called her cousins to vent. She may have insisted nothing happened that night even though she wasn’t sure. Especially since she found pictures she’d snapped of them the night before—pictures of them kissing at a table at Wild Bull, and an actual kiss on the lips, not cheek-kissing—which must’ve taken place after they both rode the bull. She may have taken a few pregnancy tests just to be sure (which all turned out to be negative) but she refuses to believe anything happened between them. They were both pretty smashed that night, so she thinks they probably kissed, went back to her place planning to have sex and even went as far as to undress, but they were both too tired and ended up passing out on the couch together.

Or at least, that’s what she likes to believe.

“He’s really handsome by the way,” Anna beams as the three of them watch Killian chase the kids around the backyard, pretending to be a dinosaur. “And he seems to be really good with the children.”

Elsa nods in agreement. “Daisy sure seems to like him, too,” she comments about her ten year old daughter.

Emma nurses her coffee so she doesn’t have to respond. Of course she agrees; Killian is gorgeous and he’s amazing with kids and he’s fun to be around, plus he’s not a complete douchebag like Neal, and he most likely wouldn’t break her heart into a million pieces. He’s perfect, actually, but she knows from experience no one is truly perfect.

Everyone has their flaws and their own set of personal baggage, and she knows nothing, and she means nothing is ever as good as it seems. She’d learned that much is true the hard way more than once. But she’s content with just being friends with him. She’s happy to spend more time with him, regardless of any romantic feelings she may be developing. Every holiday they’ve spent together so far has been significantly more fun than if she’d spent them alone. And for once in her life, her family isn’t trying to set her up with anyone or feeling sorry for her. If her brother wasn’t at his soon-to-be in laws since he and Audrey spend Christmas with his family, he wouldn’t even get to mock Emma for being alone on yet another holiday. Pretending to date Killian has kept even her mother at bay for the moment. Though, she didn’t seem happy when Emma mentioned she was bringing Killian to Easter brunch, but only because she invited her neighbor, Graham, over to the house after the children’s Easter egg hunt.

“Happy Easter, my little bunnies!” Aunt Ruby greets as she enters the backyard, making her appearance in a black playboy bunny costume and white bunny ears. “This is Jesús,” she introduces her holidate, who has long, wavy brown hair, a beard and is dressed in all white.

Mary Margaret gasps as she approaches her best friend, gaping at her in horror. “What in God’s name are you wearing?!”

Ruby furrows her brows, not knowing what Mary Margaret’s problem is. “Bunny ears.”

Elsa and Anna are both amused and snorting into their palms, but not really surprised. They leave the picnic table and head toward their children, urging them toward the play castle Kristoff, David and Leo had built for them. Emma’s father is burying his face in his hands at the head of the table as Killian comes over and sits next to Emma, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. She leans into him and buries her face in his chest, trying to fight back a laugh at her aunt.

“This is an Easter brunch and there are children here. This is not the time for a silly costume,” Emma’s mother chides Ruby just before someone in a full bunny costume comes hopping toward them. 

Captain Swan - A Date for the Holidays (and everyday too would be nice)Where stories live. Discover now