The Meeting

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The room was packed, i walked in trembling. What if im not ace, maybe I'm just over thinking.

I had just joined an ace support group near me. I was extremely nervous to attend though, I sat down at a table near the middle of the room. There was another girl sitting there, she looked around my age.

Big eyes, glasses and frizzy brown hair that puffed out. She was pretty.

'Hi I'm Todd', I said while I held out my hand.
She looked up and shook my hand.

'I'm Daisy.' She smiled at me

So what brings you here I asked her stupidly.
She didn't get annoyed though she just smiled and responded

'I recently came out to my now ex and let just say he wasn't the most supportive person on earth.'

'Oh, I'm sorry.'

'No no it's not a big deal, he was pretty anoying anyways.

She looked up at me, tucking her sketch book under her books.

I recognized her, but from where? She probably just went to one of bojack parties.
But I remember her from somewhere else.

Shit, Todd new exacly who she was
And she realized to.


'I have to go, sorry.'
She scramed for her stuff and left in a hurry.

'Wait Daisey, I called out, but she disappeared in the crowd.


He spend the rest of the day worrying.

Did she forgive me or did she still hate me?

I hurt her..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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