Chapter 12

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Yeji's PoV

The coming weeks were stressful. It was the foundation week. So, that means everyone is doing something to commemorate the day the school has been built.

Those weeks, Ryujin has never failed to show her love for me. She still brings me to school if she has time, she walks me to my classes, she comes to me whenever she sees me alone and she assures that I come home safe before she comes home.

"Hey there, Yeji," The football captain greeted

I met him in the hallway. I am on my way to the cafeteria where my friends are waiting. Actually, during those weeks, Beomgyu and I have become friends. My friends also became close to him. Not the basketball players though.

"Beomgyu, how are you?" I asked when he walked with me to the cafeteria

"Fine. Now, that I've seen you," Beomgyu said and I just shook my head

Beomgyu continuously flirts with me but I don't feel a thing. Not like when it's Ryujin. If it's Ryujin, there are butterflies when it's her.

"Beomgyu," I warned when he tucked me on his arm

"We're friends, right?" Beomgyu asked so I just let him do his thing

"What are you doing for the foundation week?" I replied

"Nothing. I just try to do me," I smiled with how disgusting it sounded

"Ew, Beomgyu!" I told him and he laughed

We entered the cafeteria and everyone's eyes fell on us. Beomgyu still kept his arm on mine. When we reached the cheerleaders' table, Ryujin's friends were there. They were sitting in couples. Bambam and Ten are sitting with each other since their girlfriends aren't here

"There you a--" Chaeryeong was cut off when she saw Beomgyu and me

"You might want to remove your arm from her, Beomgyu," Bambam said

These people are loyal to Ryujin. Whenever they see me with someone else, expect them to actually try to push the person beside me away.

"Okay. I'll see you later, Yeji," Beomgyu, again, pecked a kiss on my cheek like the usual and he left

My friends just gave me a dagger look. I looked at them weirdly. Sure, they know about me and Ryujin but they also know that Beomgyu and I are just friends and Beomgyu is harmless.

"Where's Ryujin?" I asked

"She messaged me 10 minutes ago that she's on her way," Jisu replied

"Where are you going?" Nayeon asked when I walked away

"I'm going to pick your friend up," I replied and I left them

Ryujin must've seen me and Beomgyu. Aish. She misinterpreted it again. I walked to the parking, where we usually spend our breaks when we don't wanna spend it in the cafeteria. I was welcomed by the smell of a cigarette.

"What are you doing here, Hwang?" Ryujin faced me with a smile and she hid her cigarette on her back

"I can ask you the same thing," I told her

"Yeji, I'm smoking. Come on, I'll just follow you behind. Let me just finish this," Ryujin said and she puffed a smoke

"I hate it when you smoke, Ryujin," I ignored what she said and she just looked at me

"It calms me down, Kitten. If not for this, hell will break loose," Ryujin replied

"You're killing yourself, Shin,"

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