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THE PHONE CALL ENDED, making the man look back at the girl wondering how his boss took an interest in this girl.

The girl was so simple and innocent, the complete opposite of his boss's ideal girl.

He shook his head and entered the car driving back to his boss' mansion, which was located outside the city, far away from civilization.

Given the fact that he is a leader of a criminal organization.

After a long minute drive, the pink mullet haired man finally arrived at his destination.

Getting off from his car he carried the female inside as his boss was waiting for him.

Handing it to him, the boss said, "Nice job. You can leave now."

Leaving the place in a hurry manner.

The male with a white hair and an undercut stare at the girl intently. Smiling creepily.

The white-haired man carried her in a bridal way, walking back to his room.

Entering the room, he put her carefully to the soft mattress. Putting a chain in her left ankle. Making sure that she won't escape from him.

He stared intently at the (h/c) haired female. He stared at her lips for a minute, her thin and rosy lips were tempting him to kiss it.

He shook his head and left the room leaving the female. He gets inside his office and does his work.

He drowned himself into working. Making phone calls to his fellow criminal. He didn't notice the time.

He peeked through his window that was covered with black curtain and saw that it was nearing dawn.

He stretches his arms and looks at the clock to know what time it is.

He still needs to visit his woman and check her if she's still up.

'Fuck, it's already nearing morning. Wonder if she's awake already.' The man thought as he stride towards his room where the woman was chained.

His footsteps are echoing in the empty hallway.

He lives alone in this big mansion, away from the city.

His executives would visit him from time to time to have a meeting but sometimes they would just visit randomly to check him.

He stood outside his bedroom door, opening the door he saw her still sleeping but different from her position earlier.

He entered the room and decided to sit beside her, he stroked her hair softly, smiling to himself he found his angel.

The (h/c) haired female stirred in her sleep as she opened her eyes slowly. She saw a man with platinum hair with dark shade under his eyes. Wearing all black pants and shirt.

She jerks away from him.

'Who the hell is this man? What does he want from me?' Hundreds of thoughts entered her mind.

She looked back at the man and saw him smiling at her.

He looked familiar, she ransacked her mind to remember him and she realized that it was Mikey Sano, the leader of the infamous Bonten, a famous criminal organization in Japan.

She whimpered at her thought.

"Where am I?" the female asked carefully not to anger the worst criminal in Japan

"You're in our house, love. Are you hungry? Do you want to eat?" the man answered softly at her

'Home?' This is not my home!'

The female cried, unable to speak. The man in front of her places his hands on her thighs, making the female flinch.

"Hey love, it's ok. I won't hurt you. But if you made some mistake like escaping from me I won't hesitate to place where you belong." his voice changed drastically from a soft voice to a low and intimidating voice making the female in front of him whimper.

The man stands up and enters the walk-in closet to prepare her clothes.

She roamed her eyes and saw that the door of the room was ajar open.

She looked back at the walk in closet and didn't think twice to sprint towards the door but before she could reach the door she fell.

Making a thud sound she looked back and saw that her left ankle was chained to the bed.

She cried harder, but that didn't stop her hope to escape.

The man named Mikey exited the walk-in closet and saw her on the floor.

He walks towards her and holds her hair making her look up to him.

"You want to escape, huh? Well princess I won't let you because you are mine and mine alone." the man with a white hair said with an intimidating voice making her shiver in fear. Gone is the sweet and soft voice.


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