Interrupted-Spencer Reid

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Author's note: First time writing smut so bear with me here. Also I got this idea from the prank episode in season 7 when Spencer yells and answers the phone after Morgan gave out his info and he has people calling him incessantly. 🤣

Here we go....

You looked up from your book as your husband walked in the front door. He had only been out for less than a half an hour to run an errand, but you already missed him in more ways than one. You set your novel down and went over to him.

You slid your hands up his chest, gripped the fabric and pulled him down to meet your lips tenderly. With Spencer though, there was no such thing as tender kisses for very long. He immediately gave in and grabbed your face as he kissed you back hungrily.

His hands snaked down your body as his lips made their way down your jaw to the base of your throat. He sucked on your sweet spot for just a moment before lightly biting down, causing you to moan and tangle your fingers in his brown curls.

Spencer ran his hands down to your thighs, using his grip on them to lift you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist as he carried you to the bed. You started undoing the buttons on his vest and shirt on the way and managed to shove them off of him right after he laid you down on your big bed. He lifted your tank top over your head, his throat hitching at the sight of your naked chest and you began undoing his pants, palming him as you went. Spencer moaned and shoved you back down onto the bed. He started kissing and sucking down your torso while rubbing your breast with one hand. He moved his mouth over both boobs in turn, sucking and licking them just the way you liked it. You arched your back and grinded your core against his large bulge as you gasped his name.

He grinded back and started kicking his pants off-


"Ignore it, Spence. I need you." You mumbled.

"I can't, Y/N. It's Hotch. We have a case." He groaned, looking at his phone.

"Ugh fine..." You grumbled as he got up and pulled his clothes back on.

"I'll be back as soon as I can. I love you...and I'm sorry." Spencer said softly as he tried to adjust himself so his arousal wasn't so obvious.

You sat up and kissed him intensely one more time and then let him go. "I love you too, baby boy."

He groaned again and left.

"UGH," you sighed as you plopped back down, very annoyed. This was not the first time you had been interrupted by a case. You knew it was bound to happen at some point but that did not make it any less difficult.


As soon as Spencer returned, you all but jumped on him again. This time he fell on the couch, so you just straddled him, almost ripping through the buttons on his shirt and pants. You wore a dress for easier access and he took advantage. His long fingers made their way inside your panties and started pumping in and out of you.

"Fuck, Spencer," you gasped, taking his erection in your hand and stroking up and down.

"Mmmm, Y/N...." he moaned, kissing you roughly.

Spencer removed his fingers just before you reached your high and positioned your opening above his member.

Right as you started to lower yourself onto him, you felt vibration coming from his pocket.


"Are you freaking kidding me right now? I just got back. This is ridiculous." Spencer growled, looking at his phone again.

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