Chapter 8

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^The next day^

*Ellie is about 7 months*

*Ellie wakes up*

*Ellie finds the house empty*

Ellie:Hello?Rebekah!!!Nik,Elijah!!Is anyone here?

*Ellie hears chatter in the back as she follows*

Ellie:Good morning?*she sees a blonde lady that looks sorta of like Rebekah*

Klaus:Um so this is our mother.

Esther:And you must be the pregnant witch.Nice to meet you.

*Ellie nods,staring at her hand*

Ellie:I-I'm going to change.*she walks away as she goes back upstairs*

*She then walks back downstairs as she opens the door and walks around New Orleans then out of nowhere,she passes out.As she arrives to a abounded warehouse*

Ellie:Where am I?

Girl:I'm Sophia and I was assigned to keep you here.

Ellie:By who?

Girl:You don't need anymore further details.

*Ellie passes out*

*Ellie wakes up*

Ellie:Sophia there has been some witch watching me lately.Protecting me.Which means they know I'm pregnant with miracle baby here.You're a witch has natural's abilities beyond your control.Was it you?

Sophia:No,but you're right.Only a witch can have natural abilities beyond control and Marcel is killing us one by one.

Ellie:Whatever you think you are doing you know he'll get a hold of you.The whole original family has made some sort of pack or something to keep me and the baby safe.So if you hurt me they'll kill you.

Sophia:What makes you think I'm afraid to die.*Sophia looks at a girl*You ready for this?

Girl:Let's do this.

Ellie:What are you doing?Sophia?Please Sophia.

Sophia:Klaus destroyed everything good in our lives so I'm going to take away the thing he wants most.

Ellie:No!!!Please Sophia,please.*she screams*

*Sophia places a shot in her stomach*

*Ellie screams louder*

*Sophia then places the shot in her friend then snaps her neck*

Sophia:Don't do that.She knew what she was getting into.

Ellie:For you to kill her.

Sophia:She won't die with your blood in her system.The same blood you share with your hybrid baby father.

Ellie:You are trying to turn him into a hybrid.That is impossible!!!

Sophia:My friend had nightmare visions about your baby and that Klaus could use its blood to make a army of hybrid slaves.

Ellie:I'm sick of these witch's and what they think about my baby.It's just a baby.

Sophia:Maybe,maybe not.That's where she comes in.*she points at her friend*You see she was happy to be the test case.If you hadn't noticed these people,didn't have much to live for.They all would pick up a chance to become the superior species.Trouble is all hybrids are sired to Klaus,they have to follow his rules and move.No way,I'd let that happened.

Ellie:How could you be so sure,Klaus knows what the baby's blood would do?

Sophia:Let's think,Klaus Mikealson,killer of all men,women,and puppies all of a sudden wants to become a daddy.Or he's got some other motive.Hybrids can walk in the sun.Their bite is lethal to vampires,they'll take over New Orleans by the end of the week.And you know what's going to stop Klaus then?Nothing.

*The friend wakes up*

Sophia:You're going to have to feed on her.


*Sophia cuts her neck*

*The friend feeds on her as Ellie screams*


*The friend zooms outside as she burns as the sun hits her*

*Ellie reaches for the knife as she begins to cut the ropes*

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