Chapter 15: The Final Showdown: Part II

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Not long after Zuul had taken control of Lucky's body and went back to Terror Dog form, Salem gained a physical form yet again.

"Oh no....." Callie comments

Salem's hands started staticing as she got closer and closer to Phoebe and Callie.

"Hey, blue-eyes!!!!" A voice shouts, causing everyone to look over and see none other than Jaune Arc, Neptune Vasilias, Ace Reinhard, and Flynt Coal, the remaining original Grimmbusters and their rookie from the 90s, in uniform and wearing their proton packs, Jaune being the one to have caught the god's attention. "Have you missed us?"

Salem and the Terror Dogs growled a little as the Grimmbusters stepped forward a few steps, Podcast and the Mini-Pufts watching from inside the Ecto-1B.

"Salem the Grimmerian, in the name of the county and city of Summerville, kingdom of Vale, the Remnant Fish and Wildlife Services, all the members of Ducks Unlimited, the Association for The Advancment of Retired Persons, I command you under the National Invasive Species Act to depart this world immediately." Neptune ordered

"Bravo, Neptune. Bravo." Jaune comments

Salem roared and snarled.

"I think she might remember us." Flynt commented

"Are you.....a god?" Salem questions

Jaune and Flynt immediately looked at Neptune. Ace just raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Oh, come on, Neptune, we talked about this back in 84." Jaune comments

After some silence, Neptune responds to Salem's question with, "Yes."

"Yeah, we're all gods." Flynt states

"Yeah, I mean, we're all pretty dang special down here." Jaune comments. "On a more personal note, I thought that we had busted up for good. I mean, it wasn't working for me, my friends didn't think so, I know yours didn't-"

The Terror Dogs and Salem simply roared and snarled.

"Okay, playtime's over now, let's toast this muffin." Flynt comments

They each pulled out their Neutrona Wands.

"Light em up!" Jaune comments

They all turned on their proton packs and they gave off that familiar yet also distinct humming sound.

"Man, I love that sound." Flynt comments

Salem's hands sparked some more.

"On the count of three, go on two!" Jaune comments. "One, two!!!"

The four then opened fire, the streams directly hitting and wrapping around Salem as the Terror Dogs snarled and roared.


They slowly crossed their four proton streams.

"YES!!!" Callie comments

However, Salem grabbed the stream.

"Uh-oh." Neptune comments

Salem began pulling the streams apart, much to the Grimmbsuters's surprise

"SHE'S UNCROSSING THE STREAMS!!!!" Neptune comments

And with a whip of the streams, the streams had ceased fire and Neptune, Flynt, Ace,  and Jaune got launched back right into the Ecto-1B.

"Are they dead????" Podcast comments

Flynt, Jaune, Ace, and Neptune carefully re-positioned themselves against their old company car.

"I don't remember this job being painful." .Neptune comments

"I do." Flynt responds

Jaune sighed.

"You got a lot of nerve!!!" Jaune shouts at Salem. "Coming back here, crawling on back to me. We could have been the most spectacular power couple. You know, my sense of fun and your personality. But no, you always had to vanquish and conquer!!"

Callie and Phoebe had still been watching as Salem stepped closer to the Grimmbsuters.

"Always had to MAIM somebody!!" Jaune adds. "And that's probably the number 1 reason we-"

Ace tried to shoot at Salem but she shocked his hand causing him to drop his Neutrona Wand.

"Well, nice try, anyways." Jaune says. "Now we're finished, babe. We're finished."

Before Salem could really do anything, another proton stream shot her right in the neck, causing her to spin around.

Standing there was Phoebe in the proton pack Lucky had been using before getting possessed and turning into a Terror Dog. Salem tried to shoot at Phoebe which she responds by shooting at the electrical energy that Salem tried to shoot out of her hands, Phoebe shooting with the proton stream.

That's when the struggle began, Phoebe slowly losing her steady-ness as Salem got closer.

"NO!!!" Callie shouts. "COME ON, PHOEBE!!!!!!""

Phoebe didn't seem to be giving up but her hand wasn't exactly steady. That's when suddenly, a ghostly hand grabbed the front end of the wand that was shooting to help Phoebe remain steady. When Phoebe looked, it was the ghost of her grandfather, Lie Ren.

"Holy shit...." Callie quietly muttered when seeing her father's ghost

Ren's ghost smiled a little as he kept Phoebe steady. Suddenly, the other four Grimmbusters had gotten back up and opened fire on Salem, Ren's ghost slowly walking Phoebe over to the other busters while keeping her steady.

In the Ecto-1B, Podcast got the PKE into it's taser-like mode and it caused one of the Mini Pufts to outright explode. Podcast smirking as he began shocking every Mini Puft he could, Trevor glancing in.

When Ren's ghost got Phoebe into the needed position, Ace was the first to spot Ren's spirit and tapped Flynt with his elbow. Flynt glanced over and seeing his old friend's ghost. He tapped Jaune lightly, who when seeing Ren's ghost, tapped Neptune.

When Neptune saw Ren's ghost, he had a warm smile on his face before directing his attention back to the battle.

In the Ecto-1B, Podcast had continued battling Mini Pufts and managed to get the gunner seat pack up and running again.

"We're on!!!" Podcast signaled

Trevor armed the gunner seat's neutrona wand and looked around, noticing the towers nearby needed power, so he shot at them, giving them power.

Salem was slowly losing ground. Seeing this, Callie quickly got up and pulled the lever and stomped on the pedal. That causes all the traps to spring open around the farm's yard and it began slowly sucking in all sorts of spooks, Grimm, and ghosts, starting to suck Salem away with a roar and the Mini Pufts that Podcast missed melted away, the Terror Dogs fell to the ground and turned to statues, and when all the traps slammed shut, only remaining supernatural based being was Ren's ghost. Salem was gone and split up into multiple traps.

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