So We Made Characters and This is Basically an MHA AU of That

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Ok so we made characters and this is a superhero/villain (MHA??) au.

TW// Cussing, mentions of murder, also just general minor injuries. Also this is really short, sucky, and ends on a cliffhanger because I'm bored

They stared out from the roof, thinking. They did this a lot more than they should, but the view was nice. You could see the entire city from up there, the flashing lights and rushing cars of a busy city. It was chaotic but calming for the younger kid.

They'd grown up in the chaos of a world split into heroes and villains, the good guys and the lost causes. The two sides would fight constantly, the heroes saying they're doing it to protect the people, but were they really protecting anyone? They are just creating more damage then saying they had done something great to 'save the people'. To Maple, the kid staring out into the city, it seemed like utter bullshit. They had caused so much property damage that their crimes would be worth a life-sentence, but they would never get that.

Syrup fell from their head down to the concrete thirty stories below as they thought, probably pissing off whoever just got rained on by sticky goop.

A door creaking snapped them out of their thoughts. A maybe 14 person, dripping with syrup, walked onto the roof and stopped in his tracks when she saw the 3 foot goblin swinging their legs over the edge.

"So you're the fucker who got me all sticky!" She got closer to the kid, looking as intimidating as an obviously malnourished and sticky child can be.

"Woah woah woah, who the fuck are you?" Maple backed up from the edge and pulled out their goopy bow.

"I'm, uhhhh," the other had to think about who she was for a second, that's a bit odd. "I'm Wither."

"Okay then, 'Wither'," they used air quotations. "You're only going to hear this once so fucking listen up: I'm sorry that I can't fucking control the sap dripping from my head and am sorry you happened to be in the wrong place in the wrong fucking time."

"..You motherfucker!" 'Wither' started to chase the kid down the steps into the building with a sword. Where are these people getting these weapons from?

"SHOOT I'M SORRY PLEASE-" Maple then proceeded to trip down the last few steps onto the floor and fall on their face.

"OH SHIT- ARE YOU OKAY?" She ran down the last of the steps and chucked his sword at some poor office worker before dropping to his knees and making sure Maple wasn't completely dead.

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