Chapter 1

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"The first thing I noticed was how big the moon was. The second thing is the sounds of animals all around me. These eyes appeared from the bushes glowing from the moonlight. The forest stood silent as the eyes pierced through my body. I took one step back. The beast growled and took one step out of the bushes. Everything in me told my body to run, but as far as my knowledge goes you should always walk back carefully and not run. Sadly, it seems the rules did not apply to the thing as it started to rush towards me and then I woke up. That is always how it begins and how it ends." I shivered as I recall the dream so vividly that it is so surreal.

"Do you think there is anything I can do to get these dreams to go away. I haven't been getting even 6 hours of sleep before I wake up drenched in sweat." I asked the therapist.

"Well Mr. Night this may be telling you that you have a lot of stress, or some mental issue that I may be able to help you with. Do you have anyone in your apartment?" Asked Emily who is my therapist.

"Uhm no I live by myself, but the problem is that I have been having this nightmare for 3 months now." I told her.

"I would recommend asking anyone you know to come and sleep in your apartment with you and to wake you up when these terrors happen. I also recommend taking some Melatonin. This should allow you to sleep soundlessly." She said as she was typing on her keyboard what today's therapy session was about. "Also, I would like to see you every two weeks as a checkup to see how you are doing." She had said as an instruction.

"Before I leave, can I ask you a question?" I asked

"Of course, I am going to be here for you. I will answer your question as honestly as possible." She smiled while saying this.

"I would like to know why I need someone to be near me."

"The reason for that would be to wake you up so you can get a 15-minute breather of getting water and fresh air before going back to sleep." She answered with no doubt in her voice. "Well, if that is everything then I will be seeing you in 2 weeks. Please if you need to reschedule to an earlier date then i will try my best to do that. I will be here for you and we can do this together." Hearing this from her made the stress of this a lot less heavy on my shoulders.

As I checked out there was a strange feeling but I ignored it seeing that it may have been close to my working shift at Hot Games I had noon to closing shift. It may not be a great place to be working as I do love getting deals on games and helping people. Even though I do not like talking to others, it is my job to be there for others when they are having trouble finding things they need. On the walk to work I accidentally bumped into a person who seemed to give me a glare at the action. "I am so sorry sir I was not looking where I was going." I said as I scrambled to get the words out. All he did was grunt at it and walked away.

When I got to my job I clocked in and put on my uniform with my classic mask that I called a smile. I got into position where the other cashier was. His name is Jared we never really talked much, but we both understand that to keep this job we needed to work together. I said hi to every customer as they walked in, and bye to every customer as they walked out. The door opened with its usual chime. I got my smile up and was ready to take on this customer with his gaming needs. Then I saw that it was the same guy that I bumped into while walking here.

"Hello sir, welcome to Hot Games. What can I help you with today?" I said in a polite tone. As I waited for his response, I could not help to notice that a kid was with him. The young girl right next to this burly guy grabbed his arm to pull him downwards. A few whispers happened and the man went back to his tall posture while the little girl ran off to get something. The man looked at me as he said. "I would like a Killjoy system with 1 terabyte of storage." He seemed bewildered by the name of the system. I mean I would question the system's name as it sounded like it would take the joy instead of giving it. As I got the system the little girl got the game, she wanted with a game that I assumed to be the fathers since it was a really violent game.

"Would you also want another controller with rechargeable batteries? I would highly recommend you to add it as you and the little one would love to play together plus you save money later down the road with rechargeable. If you still don't, I will put in a little offer allowing you to get a free game under sixty dollars." I said as I tried to get the four sales, sure I would have to pay for one game but that would mean nothing if I could get promoted.

All he said was sure. So, he paid, while I also paid for the other game. I packed everything up and handed him the receipt with his items. After the man and little girl left the store was empty.

"Hey Jared, Chariot it seems that the rise of digital games is hurting us with getting sales. What do you think we could do?" The voice coming from our manager. I turned to look at Vinessa while Jared looked away from his phone and looked up at her. Vinessa is a person that does not like the idea of one not being able to show oneself. She is probably the only person other than my parents that tells me to express myself and makes me feel at home. "Well, what do you guys think we should do about this predicament?" she asked again.

"I think we should do a giveaway like you can get a free controller if you buy a thing at our store." I say enthusiastically even though my eyes show that I am very tired. One of the only things that helps me calm down from the nightmares are games, so being able to do this can surely help others.

"Or we can lower some of the prices showing that we can be as good as the online market." Jared said with the look of boredom on his face. I sometimes think that he never wanted to be here and the only reason he is here is just to get paid. However, with the way he acts I would have put him in the back so people would not be gloomed when he needed to take care of the customers. Vinessa just smiled at both of us. "Well, I will need to talk to the higher ups. Thank you for answering my question. You guys can start closing." She turned and walked into the very small manager room.

I went to every shelf full of games and old game cartridges restocking them and making sure to count what we had. Jared on the other hand was 'sweeping' the little area behind the counter. "Hey, would you mind actually sweeping the entire place Jared?" I said in a strict voice

"Why do I need to? It looks like you have it covered." He said back in his snarky voice. Every time he would do this, I would just ignore it, however this time I needed to make sure he would do his job properly.

"If you want to keep this job then pick up your own slack because I am leaving right now. I have something important to do so please do your job for once." I said as I clocked out and left the place. When I was on the way back home, I decided to stop by the pharmacy market that was open past eleven pm. I got what I needed and left the place. The next thing was to explain to my mom what Emily told me. So, I ended up going to sleep before I could take the pill. 

Sneak Peak for chapter 2 the scene is right at the beginning.

Birds are chirping. I open my eyes to see that I am in some sort of forest. The light shining through the leaves on top of the trees. It was quite a peaceful moment. But the second I dropped my guard I heard it. The sound that haunts me that deep feral growl. I slowly turn around to see a dark blurred figure. It looks to be standing on two legs, and taller than I am, maybe by a head or two. I try to move backwards, the second I take one step the figure snarls towards me. My body stops moving in shock. The figure takes advantage of this and proceeds to walk to me.

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