mental combat + excercises

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MENTAL COMBAT- is a strategy to unlock your full potential: body and brain. It helps you become the fighter in life. Achieve full domination of everything.

Recognize the conflict; if you do not know what to do in a certain action, take a step back and recognize what is happening. Example: in school or work someone is acting with you such way that makes you feel uncomfortable. Stop, (you can take out a notebook and write down.) “this person is making me feel {emotion}, this might be happening because {reasons} .

Manage the conflict; see what is happening, control your reactions, now that you know why this situation is happening you can control yourself more easily.

Analyze; asses that person, write down their weaknesses, the mistakes they already made, don’t forget about their strengths, sidestep them. Example: if your opponent is stronger in social life, take a step back from their circle, form a group of misfits that can help you and focus on their smarts or strength or other weaknesses.

React; react while keeping recording to your last step. Always keep calm, manage the stress and in the end analyze the results. If needed attack other weaknesses.


1. Analyze what went wrong, what you needed to do but didn’t.
2. Write down what you need to improve. What you did, but it wasn’t performed to the fullest.
3. Recognize what your opponent did better. Where werehe stronger then you.
4. See what you did well after all (it can be as little as the right step at the right time, or as big as the right mindset.)
5. Adjust your training. Now that you know what was your biggest mistakes, aim to destroy them in training.

Be humble and gracious. Your cockiness will get your opponent mad and he will focus the next fight and training just to beat you. Let them believe you are their friend. If they trust you, they’ll have no need to train for you only and they’ll focus on other opponents.
Keep looking for ways to improve. Even if you won, you are still human and all humans make mistakes. Make sure that you know these mistakes and improve on them.
Find new goals. If wining was your goal. Find a new, bigger goal. (it can be to win the season again, but this time make less mistakes.)
Recognize your work. Sit down and think about all your work. Every single train and every single work out. Thank them and thank yourself for pushing yourself to do them.

THE FOLLOWING EXCERCISES ARE TO HELP YOU WITH PERFORMANCE IN CONFLICTS. ( the more often you do theses exercises the easier you will succeed In them and the more natural they’ll feel to you.

First mind hack: FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT!

If in conflict you want to feel confident act like you already are. And if you don’t know how you would look confident in this situation just imagine your idol, your favorite mc or anything else I this position. How would their confidence look? What would they say?

Example: every time you feel anxious before the game ( not the pregame jitters) take a moment to breathe deeply and imagine {your favorite player} copy their actions.

Projection- a way of extending an expression of emotion outwards. Your actions outwardly when you feel some sort of emotion.

Lowering your voice and speaking slightly slower. Taking a few seconds before answering
Standing straight, easing your shoulders and puffing out your chest a bit.Slow and controlled breathing, lifting your head slightly.
Dress well, even if there is no occasion.

Sholders back and relaxed.
Head up and can be tilted a bit to the side.
Small smiles
Leaning on something.
A bit slower moves

Wide smiles or never ending small smiles.
Dropped shoulders
Wide, slower moves
A bit of controlled fidgeting

Power position- a way of projecting an emotion, by positioning your body a certain way.

Stand tall with your hand on your hips for 1-2 minutes. Imagine a string drawing your shoulders and spine straight and your head up to the sky.

Stand or sit with your hands behind your head, your elbows shold be positioned out and up. Sit\stand like this for 1-2 minutes

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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