Fear of dispute

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Jasper walked down the hall, eventually finding John. "John? Could I..um.. Ask you something?" John was setting the table in the conservatory. "Yes you may. I'll also have you know that we are having guests over for dinner. Madeline and Martin Van Weber. If all goes to plan, Cruella will be able to sell her outfits in Germany." "Groovy. Uhm, are you married?" John immediately smashed a glass all over the floor. "Oh..um.. Why do you ask?" "Because... uh.. I should let you know.. I kissed Cruella last night." John looked up from the ground and stared at Jasper for a long time. Eventually he said "I have looked out for her her whole life. I saved her life twice, and I will always wish the best for her. Will you be good to her?" 

"Of course. But I wanted to know, Cruella and I have been through many things together. And I don't know how I can avoid arguments with her. So I decided that I should just talk to her about my thoughts. But then she tricked me into carrying her downstairs and for some reason I just got really mad and said something along the lines of her taking advantage of me but I guess I'm just scared I'm going to lose her so I'm going to talk to her but what do I say?" John looked at him closely. "I'm sorry Jasper, But you're going to have to figure this out yourself. They are your emotions and you shouldn't hide them from her. I learned that the hard way with my ex wife. Also you won't be able to avoid arguments all together so don't bother with that." Jasper sighed, "fine". Jasper went upstairs to find Cruella.

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