Chapter 1

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This stupid school. All there are, are country hicks and weird people. Ever since I moved from the city because of that incident when someone saw me when I had Elated someone, I've been stuck here to try and fit in.

I sighed and watched my breath fog up in front of me, and then someone tapped my shoulder. Knowing it was just another girl to confess her love to me, I was prepared to turn her down, but then I noticed who it was. Parker Finn stood in front of me with a large grin that he was widely known for. So far he would be my best friend because he also had to move from the city to the country not to long ago.

"Haha, Parker you gave me a scare. I thought you were one of those crazy girls again." He laughed and shook my hand as he leaned in close to whisper something to me.

"yeah..well anyways I was wondering if you wanted to go to a party with me tonight."

"A party? Why do you have to keep it secret?" He glanced around to make sure no one was looking. I sighed.

" 'cause, man, I heard there's gonna be some famous person there." I shook my head at him and laughed.

"And at who's house is this exactly?"

"His name's Liam James. I'm sure you've heard of him before." I thought for a second and then remembered he was the kid that spilled his lunch on me a few days ago. I waved my hand at Parker in dismissal.

"Nah dude, that guy's lame. I don't want anything to do with 'em." I started to walk away to my car when Parker jumped in front of me. We stood in the middle of the road as the freshmen parents grew infuriated and honked their horns. I dragged Parker over to my car.

"You apparently dont know Liam very well if you call him Lame."

"Why would he not be lame Liam? Why don't you tell me that?" I said unlocking my door and getting in my car. I rolled my window down as Parker hung into my car.

"Because Liam is not like what he seems in school." I rolled my eyes and tried to roll my window up but Parker still lay in it's path.

"Dude! Quit! If you mess my window up, I'll mess your face up." Parker stood back, but I could see in his eyes that he was not quite done with me yet. "Fine...So whats with this Liam dude, huh?"

"okay for one thing, his family is rich. Apparently his great grandmother done somthing to get something and that something led to money. Also, this dude knows people." I furrowed my brows, confused.

"Knows people?"

"Yeah, meaning he's got the good stuff." I hit my head on the steering wheel a few times and honking my horn with it. "Dude, Quit." I looked up at Parker who raised his eyebrows at me. I sighed and crank up my car again.

"Fine. I'll go." Parker done a victory dance and then excused himself. "something is seriously wrong with that kid." I said rolling my window up and pulling out of my parking space.

The sun was shining right into my face as I was halfway home. I turned my radio up a little louder and sung along to it, and then I thought about the party. What did Parker think about throwing in that Liam had "the good stuff"? I told him and his pot smoking friends that I never wanted anything to do with it. I am curious about the famous person though...I wonder who it-

Before I could finish my thought, it hit me. Like a invisible wall, this...this force field just kind of slammed into me making me pull over on the side of the road. My head was throbbing from the force, and my nose felt like it was bleeding. I reached up and rubbed my nose to bring down my blood. I shrieked at the sight of it and wiped it on the dash of my car. It felt like there were weights just glued to my back.

I slowly crawled out of my car and fell onto the grass beside me. I looked around for any cars, houses or stores, but the only thing that I could see were green fields of corn. My heart started to pound, and more blood seeped out of my nose. My head was hurting even more now, but my eyes, my eyesight was like a thermal camera, except it only seeked out the warm things and all of my other vision was the same.

Scanning the fields, I finally spotted the red outline of someones body. Sluggishly picking myself up, I slowly made my way over the road and into the field. My legs shook at the weight of my body, and blood was now dripping onto my gray jacket. After a few minutes of dragging my heavy body through what seemed like forever, I finally had made my way to the edge of someones yard. I quickly snapped my head back and forth looking across the yard and trying to spot the person. My inner self yelled for me.

Wh-What am I doing? Why do I want to find this person so badly? Without realizing it, I had found the person. A old lady of about 50 years old stood hanging her clothes on a line and humming a sad tune with bloodshot eyes. She caught my eyes and then gasped. Don't...Don't do it.... She stood frozen with fear, but then turned around about to run off. I quickly reached up and yanked one of my hairs out of my head and like magic, it turned into a unbreakable, but very, very thin and to them invisible rope. With a couple flicks of my wrist I sent the hairs out and tied them around her legs and arms. She let out a weak scream.

Before she hit the ground, I ran over to her and stood her up. The lady was crying and tense as she tried to escape the invisible binding ropes. I can't do anything...I'm like a animal...but I have to, and it's not like it hurts them anyways...

I held the struggling senior still, and held her head to look into my eyes. Faster than a flash, I dove into her bad memories and feelings and transferred them into me. The feeling of all her sadness and anger flowing through my veins made me feel warmer. My head stopped throbbing, my nose quit bleeding, and the weight was lifted off of my back.

I snapped back to reality and carefully picked the woman up in my arms and carried her to a hammock strung between two trees. I layed her in the hammock, took the binding ropes off of her and then quickly ran off back to my car.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2013 ⏰

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