My Life

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Hi my name is Emy i am working at a supermarked and yes  its not my only thing to life but i work more than i learn for my exam. I am studing psychology. Normaly i was good in school but yeah after my family left me i worked only on myself and in the store i only restock the goods cause i cant talkt to strangers like befor all of that no im getting more and more introvert. But i dont hate it its just part of myself and my life. Until one day these one girl came to me and asked me : "Hey i have seen you allot and you always go straight home would you like to come with me to the café  when you have finished your shift ?" first i wanted to say no but my mouth said :" Why not."  I dont know what happend but i felt free and not so  crushed by the world. So after i finished she waitet for me at the supermarked:" Hey its me you good to see that you could make it ." I just sait like yeah or oh ok, she told me everything how she saw me wanted to aske me how my name was but that she was too shy and so on  and on. Now we arived at the café and she asked  me if i wanted to have a pice of cake. I answert that i would love but i dont have enought money.  Chose a piece i pay. I picked a piece of chocolate cake and Lisa picked  a piece of cheescake. We both sit down and he told me that she normaly dont talk to persons  she didnt  know that much. She is just like me but with a lot of maskes that makes her comfortable in the normal world. we talked a  lot about  our normal life and then she told me that we could  go to my place cause she wanna be sure i got home save. i say.  "sure thank you." 

We are going to my space and we hugged to say goodbye. We looked us in the eyes and  we moved towards and kissed us. " You know Emy i never was with a girl but i fellt special around  you." told me Lisa. "Well you are my first "love" i would say." than we kissed again. we told us goodbye and i went to bed but i couldnt sleep cause i got to aroused and i started to touch myself and imagine that Lisa toucht me and i moan her name. Than i heard my neigbors knocking  against my wall. And well  that was the moment i realized i realy love Lisa.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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