Chapter 43

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    When Shen Shuyu recovered his five senses, he was in a cloud of mist.

    Her front and back are pure white fog, and when she raises her head, there are layers of fog.

    Shen Shuyu carried her long skirt of white lace and gauze and walked cautiously in the maze surrounded by flower walls.

    She seems to have been walking here for a long, long time, feeling anxious in her heart.

    There were thorns around the flower wall, and the thorny rose opened more and more grandly as she walked deeper into the labyrinth.

    Clusters after clusters, like burning flames, pushed back the fog ahead.

    The fog dissipated, and Shen Shuyu stood again at the entrance of the wedding where she lost Yu Mo in her previous life.

    The people around smiled to themselves and complimented.

    Like the previous life, Li Qingqing took the initiative to come over and took her arm: "Why did you come to Shuyu ?" Shen Shuyu looked over the crowd, looked around in a panic, and hurriedly asked: "You see Yu Mo Already ?"

    "There, chat with Wei Lai and the others ." Shen Shuyu looked in the direction of Li Qingqing's fingers, and Yu Mo was surrounded by the crowd, still wearing that black dress.

    Delicate silk and satin outline her delicate figure, and a silver clavicle chain is wrapped around her slender neck.

    She no longer flinches like she used to.

    Holding a wine glass in his hand, with a smile on his face, calm and confident.

    When Shen Shuyu looked from a distance, she only felt that she was shining.

    Feeling relieved.

    I saw Yu Mo turned his face to her in Shen Shuyu's sight.

    Her red lips lightly opened, and she called out: "Sister?" For a moment, Shen Shuyu's body passed through like electricity, and there was a tingling numb.

    Only then did she know that she missed greed, which was only her name in Yu Mo's mouth.

    "Sister." Yu Mo generously walked to Shen Shuyu's side and stood shoulder to shoulder with her.

    A burst of warmth came from Shen Shuyu's waist.

    Shen Shuyu turned his eyes slightly, and saw that Yu Mo's fingers covered with black codan lightly swept over him.

    She was taken, embraced and hugged by Yu Mo, as if there were no other people around.

    It was this kind of temptation that Shen Shuyu cast aside the etiquette and held Yu Mo's face.

    Wen and soft touched, Shen Shuyu actively and forcefully picked the cherry-like lips full of red.

    She felt Yu Mo's scorching breath lightly on her cheeks, her reddish-brown eyes were covered with a layer of mist and gradually blurred.

    Yu Mo retreated step by step, while Shen Shuyu was pressing harder.

    Until the buffet table covered with white tablecloths clashed with crisp wine glasses.

    Yu Mo couldn't retreat, and Shen Shuyu didn't know where his strength came from, and with one hand, he clasped Yu Mo's still-struggling wrist, and pushed it even more powerfully.

    Body fluid alternates, and the silver wire becomes a thread.

    Shen Shuyu parted her lips from Yu Mo slightly, watching Yu Mo's face quietly.

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