Chapter 4: Rite of Passage

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Norgu and Hohra

Coming of age. An important tradition carried out in every single one of his people's societies, as far as he knew. The nature of the ritual was similar in every culture, though the means by which it was carried out was as varied as his species itself. Rituals differed between races, communities and even families.

It was on the third day of being home that Norgu's feeling of being part of a great family was the strongest, for all members of his close-knit community had taken time off work and other duties for this important event. It brought back memories of his own ceremony. Having his adulthood bestowed upon him at the end of adolescence. His body matured. His mind ready to take on adult life. This time he would witness and take part in the sequence of activities for another member of the family.

Laila was Jolrynn's sister, and her older brother and her parents had been taking care of her during the day, mentally preparing the girl for what was about to come and relieve some of the tension. Meanwhile, the other adults had been preparing fresh food and decorations, as well as materials for the ritual itself.

He had gone out in the early morning together with his father for another hunt in the forest surrounding the town for fresh meat. With their additional catch, they would be able to satisfy the carnivorous nature of his and Hohra's family, as well as provide for the protein needs of the other members.

Solbrecht's bright sun had brought another day of intense heat and with its circle having moved past the highest point, it had become a bit more comfortable even for him to go outside again. Having sought shelter from the sun under the tall hazaeht tree in the middle of his community's garden, the two parts of his poetyo were moist with sweat which he continued to wipe off his brow as he leaned into the giant trunk.

His race's arctic origins were tough on his and Hohra's family during the summer season. With temperatures soaring into forty degree Celsius territory, they had to put in some effort to keep their bodies from overheating. This heat in combination with the high humidity forced him to mouth breathe, his lungs struggling to extract oxygen from the air which felt similar to that in a sauna. Watching the children play with the garden sprinklers, frolicking in the fine mist of droplets in which the sun's rays painted faint rainbow effects, triggered the urge to join them.

And he was about to until he recognized the sound of his mate's footsteps coming from behind. Joining his side, Hohra blew out her breath in an exasperated sigh, then continued to pant softly as she sank against the rough bark of the tree, letting her well-built arms dangle beside her, her massive legs looking like they were about to give way.

"It sure is warm again today."

"Are you drinking enough water?" he asked, alerted by the weary sound of her voice.

His nostrils picked up the scent of fresh sweat from her poetyo. It pearled on her dark brown skin, forming larger droplets that rolled over the chubby, yet feminine curves of her body. Rolling her head toward him, her broad pink tongue lolling to the side, she still smiled, sharp carnivorous teeth glittering. Her big brown eyes sparkled at his show of concern for her wellbeing.

"I'm okay. I drink plenty, but it continues to be tough."

"They've forecasted a slightly cooler day for tomorrow. Solbrecht might even bless us with some rain."

"That would be great," she said with a sigh of relief. "As for the ceremony, all is set. We will begin when the last rays of the sun have disappeared behind the horizon."

"How is Laila? Still stressed?"

Hohra bit her lip.

"Hmm, yeah, but I think she's excited as well. It's to be expected. Remember my ceremony?"

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