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Novo is a being who has very adventurous life. But again, I am telling you not that kind of fictional adventure, just a simple moment make his life adventurous and gay. Everything in his life is mundane like everyone's. He is a cooper actually, who make barrels and casks used to store alcohol. They are containers made up of wood. So, he lives around forest for log collection to make barrels. He lives a usual life, what he earns in his whole day he spend it at night for his daily needs. Slum is his abode which is half cemented and the other part made up of dried grass, palm leaves or mud. The food he used to eat is basically cobs which he purchase from a small dingy stall. A kiosk like- stall is mostly abundant of  bread, also including fruits, milk or other cheap edible commodity. Novo is all reliable on this type of meal for his ordinary living. Both his cottage and that stall are around the jungle which is not so huge or dense. The surroundings are serene. The placidity of the jungle leads to echoing of tree cutting noise caused by Novo. It's just one hit with axe on trunk that make the sound heard twice- thrice just like ripples of the pond receding in a perpetual manner. The sound going  so far away from it's cause in that mildly dense forest - alike we are going farther from our cause as we go far from our birth and come nearer to death - the ultimate end of people like us.                                                                                                                                    Surprisingly, Novo is different from all of  us. He is a person of a bizarre aura. Cutting trees that's for cutting people lives also by storing of alcohol. As alcohol is injurious to health but the actual injury is not caused by alcohol, it is the drinker who is the root of all this complications of life. They drink alcohol to escape themselves from the tantrums of their lives, but they does not know that they are inviting another wretchedness for themselves. Humans do everything to save themselves from perils even if they end up harming their own self. So the only cause behind is to be being saved. This path consequence is not fruitful though. Novo has a different path to follow. He lives or say earns to live a simple life; a normal one to just being alive which is one of the cause he left his previous place.                                                                                                                        The region where he lives before was too much urbanised and civilised and there he used to work as a daily wage worker. After noticing all the things there , he decided to depart and wanted to be in a undisturbed, peaceful region. The reason for urge to move was very impactful to him and maybe for us also. There he used to live in a shed made of tin roof, it was  quite cemented one than the present. It was located at roadside nearer to the city highway. Behind his small room house large buildings of glass.  Just by the glimpse of them one can see the luxurious life reflecting through them. They were tremendous. On coming back from  work, one evening, Novo saw a truck loaded with an ample load residing in front of his place. The driver was away while Novo reached it's front seat. He was scrutinizing the whole lorry that what was being transit was fully covered. That day Novo was very sad and disappointed because of the happening at his work site. He was currently doing a construction work. There was a conflict issue at the workplace as the manager was not providing proper wages to the workers. So, all the workers had to left barehanded without any penny including Novo too. He was frustrated because of all these happenings - did not got his wage - nothing to eat, nothing to give for rent. As prevailing on this wage which was now somehow lost from his fortune he has to pay past month rent which was  five bucks but could not able to do so. Thinking about savings what a below average worker earn and save from that- it is just a anomaly. The daily wage was just eight dollars which he spend at the end of the day. He used to get his wage in evening but he was unlucky this time. Sometimes, what we will do or save something for future cannot go that way as we wanted it to. So, it was for Novo that day, but we are accustomed to it in our daily lives. The shelter of Novo which was small untidy room has nothing like a house just empty only a place to lay down and a salvation from the severe weather. He used to wander around in search of work, besides he do not have any family. The truck driver hadn't came yet. So, thinking out of a way to escape from all these worries he decided to hide in  that truck before the driver comes. He was able to access the back of the truck which was shrouded utterly. Somehow he pulled up the shroud which was quite a strenuous task. It was efficiently done with full aplomb. As soon as he put the cover down the truck start moving. Inside there was so much gloom by which he could not able to watch properly what was in there. There was some sacks fully filled with something giving a sought of formalin odour,  which comes from dead bodies.  He assumed that they were cadavers inside sacks which may have came from hospital underwent some kind of medical treatments. Unfortunately,  he was wrong the things or say beings inside the sacks were not dead human beings but they were one of  the crawling creatures of the earth- Snakes. Novo was like at the verge of collapsing after examining that. He may undergone a panic attack in that circumstance but after building his courage and enthusiasm he didn't. Some kind of hissing sound was coming from the sacks and they were also felt moving. Actually the snakes were alive and Novo was all alone with them in that concise place. 

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