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"Nephew tell me, do you know why big brother never let us go to the outer world?" Zhan who was very curious asked, jian thought for a while and smiled.

"I think it's because I am very handsome and uncle is so beautiful, daddy must be afraid of us getting stolen." Jian answer seems to make sense and xiao zhan smacked his head but not hard enough for him to feel any pain.

Xiao zhan stood up, touched his long hair, with his free hand placed on his waist. "My good nephew, just look at this beauty, i wonder why i never thought about that, staying alone for two weeks made me be less smart, jian let's go to the outer world and give the alphas and omegas some sleepless nights." Zhan who was full of himself said, yang yang who bought some snacks for his son and little brother frowned hearing what his brother was saying.

"No one is going to the outer world, and now that i have known what you're planning, the barrier will be strengthened." Yang yang who was standing behind the two said making xiao zhan and jian to move back, and the two forced a smile, before xiao zhan started laughing.

"Big brother you heard it all wrong, i was reprimanding my nephew here, informing him it's very bad trying to use his cuteness and confuse this smart uncle to sneak out and explore the outer world, i told him it's not bad, i mean bad! It's bad manners! Kids should continue being kids and listen to what their elders are saying!" Zhan who ran towards his brother and now looking at his brother with innocent and puppy eyes said, jian who was left alone where he was standing didn't expect his uncle will really put the blame on him, he wasn't the one who suggested of going to the outer world, he wasn't even the one who started talking about the outer world, it was his uncle! And now his uncle is acting all good and making him the bad guy! His uncle is really a betrayer!.

Yang yang looked at his brother and his heart softened, he touched his brother's soft long hair and smiled, the one who acting cute is the one right in front of him, though he knows his brother is lying and shifting the blame to someone else, he knows perfectly well that he will never get angry with his little brother, their parents died early, they were killed by vicious rogues from the outer world when xiao zhan was only two months old, him being the older brother has no choice but take care of his brother, his brother needed milk, he was also young and couldn't do much, but he has no choice, for his brother, he worked hard so as to get money to provide for himself and his brother, his brother never had a perfect life, growing up he realised that his brother has a gland defect, this made xiao zhan to grow up being bullied and made fun with other kids because of his defect, yang yang has always been over protective of his brother and he never forgive anyone who made his brother sad or feel inferior to others, he promised to make sure his brother lives the best life, be happy and will always smile like now. He will soon find a cure for his brother, he is close to finishing his research and getting two last ingredient and this time, he is sure to cure his brother's defect, yang yang has another which is the easiest but at the same time the hardest and that is his brother getting marked by his real and true mate, but with the big vast world with millions of alpha, the chance of xiao zhan who doesn't have a scent or could smell others scent is zero to none, it clearly shows that it is impossible.

"Why is my little brother so adorable, here i got you some of you're favourite snacks." Yang yang said lovingly and gave the snacks he bought to his brother.

"Daddy! Daddy! Don't forget me! Your handsome and only son!" Jian who realised that his uncle is the only one getting the limelight, while he is getting forgotten shouted.

"I haven't forgotten you my good boy, here this is for you, you eat and come inside later for dinner, mommy is preparing something delicious." Yang yang answered, kissed the two on their cheeks and left, jian looked at his uncle while frowning, he hasn't forgotten how his uncle shifted the blame to him, zhan smacked his nephew.

"You be respectful when looking at you're beautiful uncle! Don't take it seriously what i said earlier, i was teaching you some new tactics, that was one way of surviving whenever you're in trouble, it's called survival instincts." Zhan said not realising that what he did today will really haunt him later and he will regret ever teaching his nephew such a thing.

"Oh okay, i thought you betrayed me." Jian said nodding his head in understanding.

"I am not a betrayer! You're uncle' will never forget about our oath! I am a trustworthy and caring omega! If you follow this uncle way's and advice, then you won't regret and this uncle will reward you with a very beautiful omega to marry in future." Zhan answered proudly while hitting his chest, jian being jian nodded his head, not realising thay his uncle is leading him astray.

"Listen jian, since my brother knew about our secret, we should act very obedient, be good boy's and not cause, once brother put his guard down we can take action, and the outer world with amazing thing's will be waiting for us with open arms." Zhan added, the two kept whispering between themselves until they were called for dinner, that night xiao zhan who has never washed any utensils in the house, did the washing thay night and he even volunteered to fetch water the second day, saying his brother in law must be tired doing house chores while he was only lazing around and causing trouble.

Liu tong was really moved, this was the first time that he ever saw and heard xiao zhan speaking so maturely, he has always been childish. Waking up the second day, yang yang and liu tong were beyond surprised, xiao zhan really fetched water and now he was sweeping the big compound with the help of jian, the maids who were responsible for that tried to stop the two young masters but failed.

"Honey our zhan zhan has really grown, just look at him working so hard, i think he is changing for the better, that two weeks punishment has played a big role in changing xiao zhan." Liu tong said while looking at xiao zhan and his jian.

"You're right, i thought he was joking when he said he will learn to be better and more responsible, let's not disturb them, i will help you prepare breakfast, and by the way, your scent is getting more stronger, your heat might be near." Yang yang answered, held liu tong by his waist and inhaled his mates scent on his neck and a growl left his mouth.

"Stop that, it's already early and we are outside not in our room." Liu tong who was blushing slapped yang yang hands away and walked away with big steps towards the kitchen.

'Work hard and be good, outer world is waiting for us!' Xiao zhan and jian who were busy sweeping whispered nonstop.

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