This is the story of 17yo Y/N Higashikata, Y/N was always a confident straight A student living a happy life. Until one day his family mysteriously disappeared while on vacation in Kuoh; a magical place home to devils, angels and other mystical bein...
?: Hmm I hope Y/N can stay home by himself for the week. You know how serious he is about studying, and what if he forgets to do his chores?
Said a soft feminine voice which was suddenly over shadowed by a male voice
Unknown Male: Stop worrying so much about him. It's not like he hasn't stayed home before, I doubt he would forget to do his chores this time.
Unknown Woman: Well.. I suppose your right. But what if-
As the woman was speaking she was suddenly interrupted by louder male voice.
2nd Unknown male: Mom you worry too much Y/N is fine, and if something happens he could always use "it" to defend himself.
Once the 2nd male voice brought up whatever "it" was, the people in the room were nodding in agreement. Then suddenly another feminine voice spoke up
2nd Unknown female: Now that we've established Y/N can handle himself. How about we wake up the others and actually go out and enjoy ourselves?
1st Unknown female: Of course, Norisuke dear go wake up Daiya and Tsurugi. We'll go wait in the car for you three.
Norisuke sighs while his wife and 2 other kids leave the room to go wait in the car. As the camera starts to pan out and show the City of Kuoh we switch areas to Morioh City. Where we can see a young man in a sailor suit walking home from the gas station.
??? POV
?: Damn, it's hot as hell out here, thankfully the gas station didn't run out of ice pops.
The young teen opened up a ice pop and heard a loud yet familiar voice getting closer to him and calling his name.
???: Y/N!! Hold on!
The voice caught up to Y/N and when he turned around the voice jumped on him and made them both fall and hit the concrete.
???: Ow Ow Ow. That really hurt.
Y/N: Your telling me, I dropped my ice pop and I have to deal with you now.
???: Thats not a nice thing to say to your classmate.
Y/N: Tsk. Why do you have so much energy Karera, considering how hot it is. I thought you would've been at home in your room studying or sleeping.
Karera: Oh Y/N you know I don't like to study, I don't have that same amount of concentration that you have. Now that I think about it, isn't your family on vacation?
Y/N: It's not just concentrating you lack the motivation, and yes they are on vacation.
Karera: Where did they go? And how come you stayed here instead of going with them?
Y/N: Kuoh. I had to study so I don't bomb the finals.
Karera: You're always studying. Also what is Kuoh?
Y/N ignores her first comment
Y/N: Its some city I don't really know much about it. But they all decided to go there for a vacation
Karera: Oh. So anyways... has joshu thought about taking me on a date yet?
Y/N: No he's still in love with Yasuho even after she's said multiple times she doesn't like him in that way
Karera: Oh well he'll come my way someday, I gotta get back home and help cook. It was nice talking to you today Y/N.
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Y/N: Yea, sure see ya.
Y/N continued his way home as Karera went the opposite way and started making her way home. Once Y/N reached the Higashikata mansion he went to his room and studied for a good hour or 2, ate some food and went to sleep.
A Week Later
Y/N woke up and did his normal routine of eating breakfast, taking a shower, brushing his teeth and then getting 30 minutes of study time. Y/N remembered getting a text from his mom saying they would be in Kuoh for another week and he was fine with that. But Y/N started to miss them and decided to go to Kuoh after he finishes up his chores.
A Few Hours Pass
Y/N: Finally finished my chores. Now I can go to Kuoh for the week. But first I gotta make sure Nijimura-San knows what to do while I'm gone.
Y/N writes a note for Nijimura describing what she needs to do around the house once she gets back from being with her mother. After writing the letter Y/N places it on the table and leaves Morioh City and makes his way to Kuoh. Once he gets to Kuoh he goes to the hotel where his family is currently staying.
Y/N: Excuse me sir
Hotel Worker: What is it
Y/N: Can I get an extra key for the rooms where the Higashikata family currently is?
Hotel Worker: You are?
Y/N: Im Norisuke and Kaato Higashikatas Son, Y/N Higashikata
Hotel Worker: Oh that's right...they did mention another son. Here's your key sir.
As the worker gives Y/N his key he sees a beautiful silver haired woman in a maid suit walking out the hotel.
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Once Y/N got the key from the worker he went up to the rooms written on the key and when he opened up both doors the rooms were empty.
Y/N: I know this is the right room. Daiyas chess board is right there in front of the TV and Joshus picture of Yasuho is there next to one of the 4 beds. Where could they be?
Y/N spends the next 20 minutes checking the rooms for any clues on where his family may be. After the search he starts calling and texting his family and due to the calls and texts he finds their phones under the beds.
Y/N: Why are their phones here? Wouldn't they take them along? They couldn't have gone home without them. This is really odd...
Y/N started questioning what was going on. His family wasn't in the hotel room, all their stuff is here in the room.
Y/N: Something must've happened to them... there's no way they would do all this for a prank even Joshu wouldn't stoop that low.
Y/N ran downstairs and went to the receptionist desk and asked the big question
Y/N: Sir when was the last time the Higashikata family had come into the hotel?
Hotel Worker: Let me check...(silence)
They haven't checked into the hotel since Wednesday Night .
Y/N: It can't be. Mom texted me on Wednesday morning... so what happened up there? I have to find out what could've happened while they were here in Kuoh and bring them back. No matter what.
As Y/N says this a strange figure appears beside him
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