The beginning

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First of all, before we get into this. This isn't like any other book. It's just thoughts written. Noted. And said all in this. And yes it's bits cheesy but what do you expect.

I was walking. It was like another ordinary day. To be pacific it was a casual Thursday. Like always I hug out with my friends then go to lessons. But at the moment it was lunch, which means science is after. I hated science. My teacher was like moody Margret, however in person with ginger hair. I was doing fine until she moved the seating plan. I used to sit next to my best friend. To be honest she wasn't much of a friend which I realise today. But now I ended up sitting next to this boy, elijah. He was just the casual boy. You know the boy that plays football or if your American soccer. But he was kind of quiet. Within 10 minutes of that lesson or more I was getting shipped with him. If you don't know what that means it means pairing each other up, like they  should be a good couple. Sitting next to elijah was okay. It wasn't bad but it wasn't good. But the first day I sat next to him I had a crush on him but I didn't know if it was a crush or not. And by the way I'm the type of girl that has courage to ask people. So fast forward to few weeks later we're in history and it was Valentine's Day ,I remember this day like it was yesterday, and usually Valentine's Day I ask random boys out. And because I had a crush on this elijah boy I wrote a note and asked him out. I had no answer till around 7pm after school. Well to be honest the answer wasn't a yes or a no he just asked me if I was being for real. And then he asked me out. Over the phone.
It was going well but I suddenly stopped liking him the day after we started dating. I don't know what it was. This is a key thing I had a best friend, Kayla. She was going out with one of Elijah's best friends ollie. Which means we had couple groups. ,by the way this was a year 7 relationship which was a bit cringe if course. Which also meant I told Kayla everything and elijah told ollie everything. Kayla and ollie told each other everything. Which I think back to today is a huge regret of what I told her. The thing that I told her was that I don't like elijah no more and I regret going out with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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