Chapter 10: Kalopsia

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Kalopsia: (n.) The delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are

A week goes by. Y/n doesn't leave the room once. In fear of her hurting her ankle further, Thomas refuses to let her leave.

He's really caring, she'll give him that. A few times a day he'll go upstairs to the room and give her some food (No human meat, thankfully.) Every time, before closing the door. He'll stop and look back at her.  She reassures him constantly, but he's still worried.

One day, he walked in on her up and about exploring the drawers of the old, dusty vanity. He rushes over to her, large strides only needing two steps to reach her. His hands snaked around her arms as he lifted her with ease and tossed her back on the bed.

He pointed at her roughly, huffing audibly before leaving. Y/n was a blushing mess. Her heart had raced when he caught her, unsure of if he would be mad about her snooping. It seemed he was more concerned about her ankle, though.

It was a good thing, too, because he didn't notice the thing in her hand, which she kept to look at.

It was an old black and white photo of a teenage boy and a lady.  It was obviously a young Luda, so y/n assumed the boy was Thomas.

They had identical hair, although teenage Thomas had a shorter cut. Everything else was difficult to trace.  Teenage Thomas had a mostly intact face, although signs of his skin eating disease showed in dark spots around his face. He had a nose and his mouth in the picture. 

What was most astonishing about the picture, though, was the happy smile on his face. Smiling and Thomas were never two things y/n would think of together. The boy seemed so different from Thomas that she started to think it wasn't him.

But, later that day, Thomas came in with dinner and saw the picture on  the bed side table. Y/n had forgotten to put it away. She watched as he walked over to it, picking it up to examine.

"Uh, sorry. I got bored and my curiosity got the best of me." She says, fidgeting with her gloves.

Thomas doesn't reply. He traces the picture with his big fingers.

"Is that you in the picture?"

Thomas nods.

Slowly, she crawls over to him and tilts the picture down so she can see.

She points to teenage Thomas's face.

"You have a wonderful smile, you know."

Thomas grunts, and through the curls of his hair, she can see blush creeping up his face.

"Can I see it now?"

He squints at her, before putting the photo face down on the table. He sets the food next to it and turns to leave.

Y/n grabs the edge of his shirt, tugging it softly.

He stops and turns. She lets go and clears her throat.

"Do you have to go? It's kind of boring up here."

He grunts, before sitting down on the mattress next to her. It dips under his weight. Y/n has to put her hand down to catch herself from rolling on top of him.

She settles, then reaches over to the table and grabs the photo.

She scoots a little closer to him so he can see.

"Is that the meat factory?" He nods.

"Have you always worked there?"

He nods again. She nods along with him.

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