The way things are going.

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Honestly, he'd never considered himself a bad person.

     Maybe a little misguided at times, even in the wrong! But never bad. So why did he regret killing that man from earlier and still be mad at himself for it? The blonde never really stayed mad for long and he prided himself in that fact, but now this strange anger seemed to be firmly planted and showed no signs of moving anytime soon. Fine, he'd let it ruin his day for now but not an hour longer.

Too bad those blasted emotions won't listen to him.

     Simon goes through the day like he always dose; 

Go to work.

Hate work.

Get back and feed that annoying stray cat.

See his patients.

     The 'doctor' (Not that he has an actual medical degree, nobody cares about that anymore.) dislikes loud noises and unfortunately that loops a human's screams into the category. He doesn't mind them when low in volume, but sometimes it just gets to repetitive for his liking. 

     The building isn't very big nor very small, just enough space for his research and operation to function perfectly. Well, as perfectly as it can after the Cryo-mortem Wars and that dreaded Odium virus. Enough room to store the patients before treatment. They are all kept in two separate rooms, one to house the normal ones and the other for those annoying jackasses with superiority complexes bigger than the fuckin' cosmos.

     Usually they come find him, either seeking to avenge their friends or try to get his medical help. But other times, when 'volunteers' are sparse, he picks up one or two of them while on the job. You see, he works as a small-time assassin for anyone who'll hire. Simon isn't really known in his field, just another killer for hire in this screwed over society. And when work is finished he pursues his passion for medical experimentation and modification. Why kill a perfectly good specimen when It can be made into something beautiful? Something more? 

     But this has gotten him into trouble good amount of times, it's always; 'Bring them in DEAD!' or, 'Do your job RIGHT!' but never 'Wow, this is amazing! I'm so sorry I doubted your vision!' No, it seemed he'd never be fully appreciated if he told his employers about these little experiments. So now Simon conducts them in secret, faking the target's death or something while sneaking them back to the tall, dark building held together by re-barb and an embarrassing amount of borrowed funds. One of his favorite parts about his experiments is when the target- ahem, patient, think he's actually saved them. Only for the patient to be thrown into a whole new hell.

Things are going well.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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