~Chapter 3~

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I decided to stand up,to welcome an uninvited guest.

I rushed throught the big hallways that seems to have no end.
      A shorter cookie, with both his eyes closed,seemed to be standing next to the gates,humming  unfamiliar tunes.

"It been a long time,dear." Said the shorter boy.
"It has. Isn't it quite Cold here? Come inside, we could have a cup of tea to warm you up."

"Is that our son Dear? How old is he?" He said with a warm smile,it like it was warming up the place,as cold as ice. The thin and cold air could overflow the whole kingdom.

    "Ah,,,He's 13. His name is Dark choco."

"Hello,sir." Said the young cookie.

"Oh hello dear, would you like a bit of ice cream?"

"..." no word, he was staring at me with shiny eyes.
I slowly nodded.

"Thank you, sir.."
         "Oh no problem ! Here, have a taste!" He said as he held a small plate filled with ice cream

Don't ask where that come from. WATTPAD LOGIC

Dark choco's POV :

It Super yummy ! Oops- But it a virtue not to enjoy sweets in our kingdom

"It flavorful and delicious, Thank you sir." I said trying to not show any signs that I quite enjoyed this Ice cream.

"Your welcome dear, also cao."
Did he just-

"You know that hurt right nilla?" My father said
   "Don't you get it He's only 13 but already have the same attitude as you !" >:(

"I-umm I'm going to the library father."I said trying to understand what just happened

pv's POV :

"It flavorful and delicious,Thank you sir."
        Wow he's really mature for his age ^3^

"Your welcome dear, also cao."

Stares at cao      He's such a lovely,but,,,A child should not be repressed when they want to express themselves,,, dont you think dear?
"You know that hurt right nilla?"
"Don't you get it He's only 13 and already have the same attitude as you!" >:(

Time skip D:

That  a few hours after choco *insert what happen I dont really wanna spoil people*  also pls spoiler warning and srry for the LONG break :)

Pv's POV

"Sir pure vanilla !" Called out a dark chocolate guard.

"Yes? Did something happen?Is it about the meeting?" I said quite confused on why a guard of the dark chocolate Kingdom was here

"Yes! It about Sir Dark Cacao!"
"What happened!?" I said trying to keep my calm

Calm down ! Dont worry he's alright!

"He got stabbed!"He said as I felt my heart race

"We need healers right away!"

"Cao! Don't worry don't worry ! Please don't die on me ! im-"

"Shh..I'm okay nilla..!" He said with a soft smile,I could feel his cold hands touching mine

"Your not okay..!" I said trying to hold back tears

"I am..." He said still keeping his smile

No your not..please..don't die on me ! I thought,feeling Cold soda tears running down my dough.

"Don't cry dear...I'm here.." He said,wiping off my tears

After a few minutes of nilla healing this huge wound,,,,,,
"Hey nilla..." He started,
"Hm..?" I said,tears still rolling down my face, I felt tired of desperately trying to heal him,doing my best,I could feel my back getting heavier,,praying to the witches that he'll stay alive, and stay with me.


                      "Do you remember...the day I met you?"


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