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Oh, shoot me now.

Not another walking red flag.

I'm gazing at this six-foot-four shirtless blond bimbo in bewilderment. He looks nothing like Lyle or Tate. Then again, not all siblings look alike. Judging by the way his veins seem to dilate under his tan skin all the way up to his biceps, he looks like he's been working out. He's certainly got the Carver body, that's for sure. Broad shoulders, wide chest, narrow waist. He has a super athletic body. Truly a heavenly one, one I should stop gawking at.

Mr. blue eyes is cocking his head to one side, his lips quirking up at me. My mouth drys, and I finally pick up the courage to look at him from beneath my lashes. I'm increasingly embarrassed. He's caught me practically stripping him with my eyes, not that there's much to strip considering He's basically naked. Nonetheless, he's enjoying it.

Oh fuck.

"Eyes up here, trouble." Well, he's definitely got the overly-confident jackass womanizing vibe down-packed.

Everything inside me clenches, "Get over yourself."

Colten smiles at me wickedly, "So hostile," His hands clamp down on the countertop behind him as he cocks his head to the side, "Are you hiding in here?"

I stare at him impassively, giving nothing away, but he seems to have me figured out.

"Oh, you are hiding in here." The smugness to his grin grows wider as he realizes he knows, "You're hiding from Lyle, huh?"

Duh, but I won't tell him that.

I shrug, "Does it matter?" Irritation heavy in my tone, "I just wanna get outta here." I wasn't sure what was more suffocating him or the small space. Or maybe it was him that made the space seem small.

Colten's gaze burns brighter. His bulging eyes amused.

"Not a morning person, eh? hence the attitude." Geez, why's he so self-satisfied with my annoyance.

I'm rolling my eyes as I turn on my heel, grabbing the door handle. I don't manage to open the door because abruptly, Colten's hand is pressed firmly against it.

The hell is this guy doing?

"Nuh-uh, not that way." He's looking down at me as if I'm some damsel in distress, and he's the all-mighty knight in shining armor on a white horse, one I would love to kick off.

"Move." He's annoyingly attractive, but I won't swoon.

"Only if you ask nicely," Again, he's amused by my irritation.

I set my lips in a grim line as I death stare him, projecting all my exasperation. He stares back at me, killing me with kindness, it seems, but I won't budge, and soon he realizes it. I watch as Colten steps back, his hands raising in a defensive gesture before he waves me towards another door behind his tall frame.

"The specialty of a Jack and Jill bathroom." He's flashing me a wide cocky smile, showcasing perfect white teeth and deep-set dimples.

Colten's most certainly related to Lyle and Tate. Those famously annoying Carver dimples could make any girl weak in the knees, and I feel Blood rise up to color my cheeks.

Dammed Carvers.

"C'mon," Colten opens the door and stands back to let me in.

My eyebrows pull together, and I stall. Why is he helping me?

For all I know, he could be toying with me.

Colten senses I've become motionless and turns back to gaze at me.

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